Sunday, November 30, 2008

6 months, plus funny stories

So Gabby was a whopping 18 lbs & 2 oz at her appointment on Friday. She was also 26 inches so she's still in the same percentiles. The doctor notice her wheezing...from all her colds she keeps catching from Bella, so she had a ventilator delivered to the house so we could do breathing treatments at night. Gabby doesn't seem to care about them except she keeps trying to eat the part where the mist comes out. The doctor loves our girls and she is amused by Bella every time we are in the office. Luckily Joel went with me to carry the girls. That night the health care supply company stopped by while we were decorating the tree and asked if it was Bella that was sick. We told him no it was the little one, so he looked at Joel holding Gabby and said poor little linebacker! We shut the door and cracked up. Poor Gabby...everyone thinks she's a boy unless she's in pink or I guess this means a trip to get her ears pierced.

So Bella was all about helping put the tree up. She kept saying "I do it" and "I help you". We opened our three tubs and Bella said "WOW". She was excited to see what was in all of them. We put her little people Nativity up with her help. We put the tree up and she said "Oooo Pretty Tree". Once we got the ornaments up we tried to remind her not to touch them anymore, since we didn't want them to fall off. So yesterday when Gabby was touching one of them, she quickly told Gabby "No Touch Gabby".

We have some large silver balls for the tree and Bella notice she could see herself in them, so she proceeded to have a 15 minute conversation with herself in the ball. It was so funny. It took me awhile to figure out who she was talking to but then of course I grabbed the camera for a few seconds of it.

Gabby loves all the lights and shinny things on the tree. She kept looking up at it today. Of course I had to deck her out in all her gear...Santa hat and reindeer booties. Bella was upset she didn't have a Santa hat so I guess I have to go get her one too. She had one last year that was we'll see.

Other funny stories - at Thanksgiving Bella didn't want to eat turkey; however she loved the "chicken" instead. I was feeding Gabby and kept wondering why Joel kept asking Bella if she liked her chicken. Apparently they had told her the turkey was chicken once they realized she wasn't going to touch turkey. Oddly enough yesterday when having leftovers, Joel asked her if she wanted turkey or chicken and she said turkey and then ate Joel plate of food.

Bella is being the typical 2-year old with lots of tantrums lately. She's probably been in time out more the past few days then she's been playing. She wants to do everything herself and then she gets upset when she can't figure it out. She's back to her "no" phase and even in her time out chair tries to push the limits. She stretches trying to reach the door to close it or plays with her light. I caught her out of the corner of my eye running to grab a book and running back to her chair. Sometimes it's really hard not to laugh when she's laying upside down in her chair. I guess it's all about testing the limits. I'm hoping that getting back into a routine this week will help.

There were a few more funny things Bella has said recently but I can't think of them right now. She copies everything we say so she's trying so hard to say everything. Today I asked her if she wanted chicken noodle soup and she said "Yes please mama, noodle poop". Uncle Ryan was over and he about fell to the floor laughing. We're still working on Merry Christmas...what she said doesn't sound like it at all, but Joel was practicing with her and then said Happy Quanza and she said that perfectly...too funny.


The Vaughters said...

I was reading your blog today, and I couldn't be happier to know that we are not alone with a tantrum-throwing 2 year old! Mia is doing everything that Bella is doing right now in terms of saying no to everything, testing ALL her limits, wanting to do everything herself, and getting frustrated when she can't! Anyways, your girls are adorable!