Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"Sing Song"

So I had a scare last night. Everything was going great with Bella's bath until it was time to get out. She slipped and I thought she had bumped her head. She hit it hard so I figured she'd cry. She started to scream and looked up and there was all this blood coming out of her mouth. So of course we called Papa and he came over for a house call. Luckily she just cut the inside a little bit so no stitches. Good thing Bella loves ice...today she woke up and no bruising or swelling so she was ready for another day. Crazy child.

On a funnier note - today we were getting ready to leave Nana's house and I had told Bella that we were going to go to McDonalds on the way home. I asked her what McDonalds had (thinking she would say french fries as she does everyday we pass it) and she replied E-I-E-I-O. I guess we've been on a singing kick and she was thinking Old MacDonald instead of McDonalds. Ryan and I started laughing so hard.

Not to leave Gabby out - I bought her some little blankets (monkey, lion and pink giraffe)...well she loves them. I think because they are so soft she can snuggle or eat them. She was quiet in her car seat today for the first time just holding on to her monkey...yeah I may have found something that works.

Anyway - here are the videos promised from earlier in the week - I attempted to get the girls to wish Granna a Happy Birthday but had no luck - sorry.

Here is Bella singing Wheels on the Bus

ABCs - she gets a few letters here and there.

And for those of you who enjoyed Bella's song in the tub a while back - here's a new little ditty she has made up...part of it she is whispering so you may not be able to hear it. I was trying to get a video of Gabby being so happy with her monkey...but Bella stole her thunder.

Here's Gabby talking the other day. She was so talkative then I brought the camera out and she quieted down - of course.


Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

Ya, If I would have seen him... I would have been out of here... Atleast Adam picked him up for me. He said he almost just left him for me to deal with... YUCK....

Hey I wanted to let you know - I started a yummy food recipe blog http://123recipeexchange.blogspot.com There are lots of yummy recipes on there. Let me know if you wanna join and I can add you as a poster!

Bonnie Newell said...

Oh my, how Bella reminds me of her Auntie Miriam. Little Miriam was singing before she was talking! I love the sound of Bella's little voice singing both known songs and the songs she has created on her own! :-)