Sunday, September 07, 2008

Getting so big

Well we are still recovering from vacation. We finally got the house put back in order today but I'm okay with the fact that it will never be completely picked up until the girls are older.

So here's an update. It seems like the girls are constantly changing. Bella has been growing again and I had to go buy 3T tops (she sort of skipped over the 2Ts) since by the end of this week none of her shirts fit her anymore and I was afraid I wouldn't find any short sleeve since all the winter clothes seem to be out...however, she's still in 24 month bottoms. She started feeding Cosmo as her first chore and she thinks she's so big now. While on vacation she started to finally say thank you and thanks...her other new favorite line is let's go. She seems to be talking more and more and singing more words when listening to her songs. When you're talking to her she almost always says the last word of the sentence. Tonight she asked for her spaghetti - I looked at Joel and he was like yep she said spaghetti. Football is another new word - which just makes her daddy so proud. She is also getting really loving. She's always given hugs, but now just comes up and gives us kisses out of the blue. She says good bye to her friends at school with hugs, waves and sometimes kisses - better than biting! We are going to convert her bed into her toddler bed as soon as her new bedding comes that I just ordered. I can't wait to redo her room in her favorite colors purple and yellow.

Gabby is growing too - more wide than tall. She is starting to sit up with little help...but when she gets excited and kicks her feet she falls backwards. She is still laughing and now laughs when we laugh, which Bella thinks is hilarious so she laughs at Gabby trying to get her laugh even harder. She's "talking" more too and loves just going back and forth. She's starting to hold onto things longer and loves the mirror and peek-a-boo. She's not very happy in her swing anymore and would rather sit and look around than have tummy time or lay on her back. She is just so precious that all three of us are having fun watching her get bigger and bigger. Luckily we got blessed with another great sleeper. I was a little worried since it took her longer to sleep through the night, but for the past few weeks she is now down usually by 7:30 and sleeps until about 6:30 or 7 in the morning.

Anyway, we had a fun weekend. Yesterday Bella went to the office to be an extra in the office video that Uncle Chad is making, then it was to Denny's for lunch and then she took a 4 hour nap! Meanwhile Gabby was decked out in OSU gear for Saturday football and hung out with daddy - all I can say is look at that Belly!
Last night Joel went to the ASU game with Tim, so I was home with the girls. Bella played with her play dough most of the night...she was having so much fun with the animal shapes I made her.
Today was cleaning/playing day. Gabby was shaking her rattle and then chewing on it.
Bella holding Gabby - sort of
Gabby is into putting everything in her mouth - I have a feeling she's going to get her teeth early like Bella did at 4 months.
This was Bella after nap - notice 3 stuffed animals (including beloved Shamu) and 3 blankets. This picture started our crazy afternoon with her - she cracks us up and wears us out.

I finally hung up Gabby's newborn pictures with Bella's help as the foreman.
Then she wanted bandannas on her head and as a skirt.
Then it was another headband to help daddy make dinner.
Then it was time to make cookies which she was too busy eating the chocolate chips off the top instead of actually helping.
Here are some videos of Bella on the beach. I have some from this weekend of Gabby talking and laughing and Bella singing, but I couldn't edit them since I'm in the office and Gabby is asleep for the night - so I'll post those later this week.