Thursday, February 04, 2010

Potty Training...I can't believe we're to this point

Gabby has done so great this week. I'm still amazed she has caught on as fast as she has...four months earlier than Bella did. I'm sure it helps having a big sister to copy. It's hard to believe after only a week she is in big girl panties and has only a few accidents. She is so funny and we still have a way to go. Saturday we started in panties and had tons of accidents so I thought this was going to be a long road, but by the end of the day she was saying "wet". Sunday we went to church and hung out at the family day afterwards...she went potty twice at church and stayed dry until after her nap. Then she was dry the rest of the day. Monday she only had one accident at school. Tuesday I picked her up in the same clothes I dropped her off in. I had bought her new Tinkerbell panties, thinking the 9 pairs I had wasn't going to be enough and she was so excited carrying them around waiting to show daddy when he got home she had an accident. Wednesday she was dry all day at school again and today she had one accident. We are SO PROUD of her. Bella is funny and says "Gabs I'm so proud of you." She is learning. She is a little tinkler - the last two days she'll go a little bit and get excited, say "I did it" and then stop. Sometimes she'll stay on a little longer and go but then about 15 minutes later she'll have an accident. So I've been trying not to acknowledge it until I know she's completely done. If she does start to have an accident she'll stop herself and say either "uh oh" or "poo poo" or "pee pee" and then run to the potty going "hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry." So it's a work in progress...but it's so funny to have Bella coordinating their panties in the mornings. I don't think we're ready for night training yet, but once we change her crib to a toddler bed we'll see. I do have to say she is the cutest thing running around in her panties at night and in the morning. I can't believe what a big girl she is. The past week she has been singing with the High School Musical Movies. It's so funny she just belts it out in the back seat. Oh my girls keep me laughing.