Saturday, February 06, 2010

Playing in the Snow for the first time

I had been dying to take the girls to see snow since Bella was a baby...after little luck going to Ohio and Indiana the past few years...we actually have got tons of snow this year up north...well apparently everyone has recently gotten a lot of snow too! I love the snow (just not living in it) and I miss skiing so much...I can't wait a little longer for the girls to learn. I have so many great memories of being in the mountains when I was little and can't wait to pass on those fun times to Bella and Gabby. Enough of memory Friday I took the girls up to Flagstaff with Uncle Ryan. Bella was so excited the night before she came out about 15 minutes after she had gone to bed and stated, "I took my nap, can I have breakfast so we can get in the car and go play in the snow?" The weather was perfect.Gabby's bear on her booty and her boots cracked me up. She did great potty training too. She was dry all afternoon and the car ride home.
I stopped at Target in Flagstaff (who was sold out of gloves) so we stopped at another store...Gabby refused to wear gloves but we got a purple sled!They had so much fun going down the hill together.

The first time down - actually I was surprised when Uncle Ryan let go of them at the top of the hill...they were both laughing so hard all the way down.

Bella loved the snowmen all over the place. She wanted to build one but didn't really want to help. As I started one (a small one) she kept stealing pieces off this one and bringing them to me for ours...
Mommy and Ryan had to get in on the action...but once I went down with the girls...and we crashed Gabby got the first feel of cold snow on her hands...after that she was done having fun...and still refused to wear gloves.
Bella on the other hand would have stayed all day.
Gabby's jacket barely fit from Thanksgiving...the only thing that was still too big was the hood.
So excited about the snow.

Heading back to the car.


The Holms said...

absolutely precious!