Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fanfest, friends and fun times

Yesterday we went to fan fest for the Diamondbacks. The girls were so cute in their jerseys and they loved the bouncy house.Today Uncle Ryan came home with us from church so he could babysit and we could go out. This is what we came home to...

they even sang a tune for Ryan I put Gabs in pigtails today...she was so cute but wasn't very excited about having her picture takenLast Monday it was so nice we went for a walk and played with the girls are playing ring-around-the-rosey. Enjoying some mac n cheese
Getting a mani-pediLast week we got to spend time with the Hodges to watch the Superbowl. We didn't actually get to watch very much until the end...but it was so much fun seeing the kids run around...poor Cash didn't feel well....
The girls sharing goldfish with RyanGabby loved the ball pitThe kids were running around racing...I love Gabby's tonguepj timeShe's just so cute...
Watching cartoons