So I'm catching up on posting...three in one night...I guess this is what I get for a 3 hour nap today. Anyway life is flying by and I can't believe January is almost over...and Gabby is only 4 months away from turning 2! How is that possible? She is becoming quite the character and Joel and I have started to discipline her she got her first (of 2) time outs this weekend. It was actually really cute because Joel put her in timeout and she just got up and walked over the to chair and sat so quietly (so hard not to laugh b/c she was so adorable). The 2nd one definitely gets away with more. I think when they are close you make the older one grow up faster and keep the little one little. I think back to right after Gabby was born and Bella seems so much older than Gabby does now. I have to constantly tell myself that Bella is only 3 (even though she's tall and acts older) and Gabby is almost 2...she's not quite a baby anymore...although she has us all wrapped around her finger.
She is starting to go through the same phases Bella did...she loves playing with babies and putting them to sleep. Tonight she stickered my leg like Bella used to do to Cosmo. She is starting to undress herself at night and put her clothes in the hamper and get her pjs out. It's funny that kids do the same thing.
The exciting news is that Gabby pee peed twice this weekend on the potty. Her teacher (who she also has wrapped around her finger) asked if she could start working with Gabby on the potty...there was no way I was going to say we started this week. We got the little potty out and Gabby loved it and sat there for about 30 minutes the first time...I had to bribe her to get off, but before she went to bed we tried one more time...and she pottied. I was so excited...then tonight we didn't have success all day but tonight she peed we'll see. I'm not sure she'll pick it up as fast as Bella and I'm not ready to change her to a toddler bed yet, but we're off to get pull-ups tomorrow.
So here's Gabby with her baby sleeping on the couch with her...then the other night she shared her sippy cup.I love her little curls...she still loves to dance and was running around with my ipod...
7 years ago
Oh they are so sweet, Jen, and getting so big! I love it!
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