Saturday, March 14, 2009


So I finally got these uploaded. Here is us reading bible stories before bed. As you can tell Bella adds her own two cents at the end of every page.

What would bedtime be without a song from Bella.

This is the video of Bella explaining why her princess fork is broken.

Bella singing I'm a little teapot. She gets most of the words...just not really in the right order.

This is from New Years (I know a little old), but it was funny how Bella figured her way of how to dribble.

I couldn't leave Gabby out - she discovered how fun it is to play with a bouncy ball.


miriamnewell said...

Can't believe how big they are getting, too much fun!

Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

They are getting sooo big!

Anonymous said...

I love Bella and the little twist with the basketball dribble and the football stance. And then in the next video being a little princess singing her songs. Picture of the week, the dancing girls, doesn't seem possible. You're such a good mom to post all these cute moments for all of us. You should be a photographer.