Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lots of Pictures

So the next few weeks is insane so I figured I should put these on here before I never get them added.

Bella party she threw for Gabby the other morning.

Bella had to be like Daddy last weekend and put on a bandanna...then of course Gabby needed one too.
They kept them on all day
Gabby making her noises at dinner
Bella and Gabby "dancing"
Bella putting together a puzzle (with the help of blankets, teddy, shamu and george)
Friday night we made a tent...both girls were crawling through having a blast.

Bella then had to add all her friend and put them night-night.
Just practicing some football
Have to love our weather...
Blowing bubbles
Bella and Gabby have so much fun together.

Ending with a "funny" story. Although at the time I was not amused, but the other morning I was on the phone with a vendor. Bella said she had to potty so I told her to go ahead and go. She headed to the bathroom and then came running out..."Mommy I pottied" so I told her good job and finish my phone call. She was very persistent about her potty experience and grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom where she showed me that she pottied...on the floor! Of course next to her potty! I was not as impressed or excited as her. Of course then I went into the speech "where do we pee-pee?" "We pee-pee in the potty" At this time Bella thought it would be a good time to copy everything I said. I think she figured out pretty quick I was in no mood to have be a little copy cat and she promptly went to her room to play as I cleaned up the bathroom while keeping Gabby out. Oh what a morning!


The Hodges Family said...

oh my word, your girls are just beautiful jen!! i can't believe how big they're getting and how fast! it's crazy huh? when are you going to start working on that little boy? :) HAHA! we love you guys, here's to april!! YAH! hhehe! march is FLYING! i love you! jess

The Vaughters said...

Hilarious - I love the picture of Bella and the football! So serious!