Wednesday, October 08, 2008

She went potty!!

So around 1:30 am, Bella woke up and I heard her talking so I headed into her room. She kept saying potty...I figured she had wet her diaper already, but she wouldn't lay back down and she got out of bed and headed to the potty...and what do you know she was dry. So we sat on the potty and it finally happened...she peed!!! I was so excited but it was so late I didn't want to get her hyped up. I think she even fell asleep while she was sitting there. Anyway she ran to our room thinking she was going to sleep with us...then she realized daddy was home (sleeping) so she woke him up and told him...then we finally got back in bed.

On a side note, she has started getting up in the morning and wandering around the house. This morning I found Joel's head shaving cream on my night stand (the lid was behind her bed), luckily it was an empty bottle. She also left a pretty picture on my desk - on my work! I think I'm going to have to put a bell on her door so I know when she gets up.