Tuesday, October 07, 2008

New Tricks

I'm going to try and make this quick since I'm tired and still have work to do. Gabby and Bella both have been changing so much this past week. I can't believe Bella will be 2 on Friday. She has started talking non-stop and I am amazed at her vocabulary and how she puts words together. She is starting to read along in her books too and I love having her read her books that just have one picture per page...she pretty much knows all of the pictures. She also said pink and green on Monday when we were coloring...finally not everything is yellow or purple anymore! This morning she got into bed with me and I put on cartoons for her...after about 20 minutes she said "mama time to get up". She also has been saying Daddy, Baby and Gabby in a really funny voice. It's really low and she draws out the last part...Dad Deeeee. I don't have a video of it yet, but will post it once I do. Anyway onto pictures and videos.

I love when Gabby's on her tummy she crosses her feet.Last week the girls and I went to Abuelos with Papa and Nana. Papa colored with Bella while we waited for the guacamole.
My Aunt was in town because of Grandpa, so we had a cookout on Saturday. Bella was all about hanging out with Uncle Chad.

Using Daddy's leg to hide from Chad.

Aunt Pam holding Gabby.We also attempted potty training this weekend...we still have yet to go on the potty, but she finally will sit on her potty instead of the big one (easier for me); however, she reads magazines while she sits there...it's pretty funny. She learned really quick how to get candy. Tonight she was in her chair at the table and she looked at me and said "mama candy, I have dry pants". So we did a pant check and sure enough they were dry so she got a Reese's pieces.
We tried on her winter gloves for our trip in December...she loved them, not so fond of her hat, but loves the gloves. She also loves her tutu!
Gabby is starting to sit up for a few seconds on her own...however she's a little top heavy so it may take a little bit longer.
Tonight I was getting Bella's "trees" out of the steam bag in the microwave and didn't have anywhere to set Gabby so she got the highchair - she looks so tiny. She kept peering over the top to watch Bella.
She also found her toes. I don't think she can get them in her mouth since her belly seems to be in the way!
Gabby is going to be quite the talker. She is finding new sounds with her mouth. She makes a razzing noise now - like she didn't have enough drool to begin with. I think she must like how it feels on her mouth...because once she starts she doesn't stop.

She is also getting more playful and grabbing things. She can catch the rings on her dragonfly and pull it towards her. She also loves anything that crinkles. And peek-a-boo is a favorite.

Last but not least...when she's upset...she complains about it. Whether it be taking the bottle away to burp or too much tummy time. It's so funny because she is so mad and is trying to get that across by making so much noise (and it's not just screaming or crying...it's complaining).