Saturday, August 08, 2009

"I love you Daddy"

Joel has put Bella to bed the last two nights and each time she has called him back in. When he opens the door she yells, "I love you daddy." Tonight after she told Joel she loved him, she was in her room singing "Mommy". I went in and she wanted Eskimo and butterfly kisses and big hugs and baby hugs. She'll do anything not to go to bed...but it's really cute.

Gabby loves stealing Bella's computer and pushing the buttons so it will talk to her.
I bought more "food" for her shopping cart the other day.

Gabby was so funny the other day...she was climbing all over her chair and then thought it would be fun to walk off it which then turned into diving off...she would roll and start giggling and then get up and do it again.
Not to be out done Bella had to jump off too.
I would say Gabby was watering the flowers but she was watering her outfit more.
Saying "cheese" before heading to the children's museum She just screeches it's so funny. Loves books, especially the ones with different textures
Bella was poking Gabby's belly button the other day and Gabby was cracking up...
then Bella let Gabby do her belly
She was playing peek-a-boo between the chair and the couch.
Last weekend Papa, Nana, Ryrie and I took the girls to the princess shop in the mall...and of course we came home with new purple tutus and crowns
That night the Hodges came over and Mason wasn't too sure about the TuTu and all the glitter in Bella's hair.
All the kids got into the instruments and had a great time being a band.
We ended the night playing Hungry Hippos.


Bonnie Newell said...

I miss those little ones. Please give them a hug from Granna.