Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gabby's 15 months!

Gabby had her 15 month check up today. The doctor was impressed by all her talking and running and jumping (attempted) she was doing....then she looked at Bella and then at me and said "you must be exhausted"...I just replied "thank the lord for day care". Anyway, Gabby weighed in at a lovely 261/2 pounds (which was Bella's weight at 18 months) and was 31 1/2 inches, which kept her in the 95% for weight (big surprise) but bumped up her height to the 75%! Gabby may not be a shorty after all. I do think she hit a growth spurt the last week and has thinned out a little :). Oh we love this little girl. She is starting to babble...last night she went on and on then threw her hands up and walked off (I can just imagine her thinking "you aren't getting this...I'm leaving"). She loves to climb, dance, chase bella, draw and look at books. She also sings along to the abcs and twinkle twinkle and even gets some of the letters and words. She also knows and says "nose, ears, & eyes" mouth she hasn't said yet or "up" but she did say watermelon and strawberry the other day...go figure :).