Sunday, August 23, 2009

My beautiful daughters

I am amazed everyday by the beauty of my girls. The sweetness and innocence of their actions.

I love my Saturday afternoon naps with Bella (and can't wait until Gabby is a little bigger to join us) and watching her big blue eyes light up with happiness. As she touches my arm with her little hand and falls asleep after one last touch of my face. I wish I could capture that moment and save it forever. The other day at Ryan's 60 day graduation I was crying and Bella couldn't understand happy tears. She kept wiping them away and holding my arm. She is my little mama. She is so loving and quite a social butterfly...very opinionated and determined, she is our actress and diva, she loves to belt out a tune or sit reading, she loves to play with her sister and is great at sharing most of the time. She keeps us laughing with everything she says. The other day I wouldn't let her do something and she got really quite and said "Mommy, you hurt my feelings." Later that day, she was in the car and observing her world she belted out "Mommy, mommy I have hair on my legs." She's so funny and her nightly routine has turned into her yelling "I love you" as we walk out at night.

Gabby's runs down the hall with the loudest laughter, so free chasing her sister or running towards one of us...arms open wide she flies into either Bella, Joel or my arms and gives the biggest snuggle and then is off again exploring. She tumbles around and just giggles at everything and everyone. She is talking more and more and repeating so many words. She says "Thank You" even unprovoked. She is a lot like Bella, she loves her books and to sing and dance along with anything on the tv or the radio, she knows what she wants and when she's not in a sharing mood she's been pushing Bella out of the way. She has also been hitting Bella...she's not trying to hurt her, but just doesn't realize how hard she's doing we're learning. She is also quite the social bug and goes around stores waving and saying hi. They are both sensitive but I think Gabby may be more. I'm not sure if it's because she gets away with more things than Bella did so she hasn't been told "no" nearly as much so when she gets in trouble she looks at you like I can't believe you just scolded me...and then come the's so pitiful. On a side note Gabby has been without her NuNu for a few weeks. I forgot to take it to school and she did great without it, so they all went in the trash that night. She still loves her animal blankets though, but luckily she isn't attached to just one incase we ever were to lose one.

Anyway we've been quite busy lately so here are a few (okay a lot) pictures from the past few weeks...

We finally got out the Snoopy Make and it kept falling didn't stop Bella from enjoying it though.

Gabby's hair is getting long and curly like Bella's was.

Bella loves to tickle Gabby and Gabby loves to be tickled.

So Bella wanted to share her computer and even put it in front of Gabby to play, but Gabby was determined not to share. Gabby kept pushing and hitting Bella anytime Bella touched a letter. Bella was trying to be so nice and even went and got Gabby her own baby to play with, but Gabby was not having it and it finally got taken away.

Cell Phones - both girls are obsessed. Bella "talks" to everyone. Here she is talking to "Stephie-Chaddy" (yes she says it like one word) asking if they are going to Ryan's graduation. She then hangs up and declares "yes mommy they are coming"

Gabby on the other hand likes to put the cell phone between her ear and shoulder, wave and say hi at the same time. (she also carries around small objects under her chin so her hands can be free...guess there's a reason to have a few extra chins around).

puzzle time.

Gabby is all about saying "cheese" for the camera

Obsessed with the MagniDoddle

I finally got the slip and slide pictures off my camera from a few weeks ago.

Playing outside.

Gabby has no fear and made it to the top with little help.

Our Diva packed and ready to spend the weekend with Papa and Nana.
Joel and I had a great time in Vegas last weekend. We didn't sleep much but it was nice to spend time with friends.


The Vaughters said...

Hey Jen! Just got a chance to look at your blog. Love the new design! I actually almost used some of those 'wing' elements in my logo - I even contacted Amanda Taylor about it! Love all the pics, too - and what is it with little girls and cell phones? Ha! :)

Bonnie Newell said...

Gotta' love the picture of Gabby crying...great pictures on the blog. I love seeing the girls. Give them a hug for me, please. Granna