Friday, July 24, 2009


Gabby is becoming quite a character. She just cracks me up. I was at home with the girls today, which I needed. It actually refreshed me emotionally (probably because they behaved and were so cute) from a hard week. Anyway...she is all about clapping (the correct way not by putting a ring on it any more). She was on her chair today and would clap and then say "Ta-Da"...which also works for touchdown since football is around the corner.
She's always so smiley

She loves her sunglasses like her sister.
Last Sunday her pigtails would curl they were straight was pretty cute...but I love her pigtails...just like Bella. Her hair is getting long and thick in the's starting to curl like Bella's did I hope they last.
I finally cleaned out our bathroom last weekend and put some make up in a bag for Bella and Gabby...mostly brushes, lip gloss and powder...but every morning this week (except the one Bella gotten it taken away for lying) she and Gabby would put on their make-up while I got ready.
Found out that I put a brown lip gloss in the bag when Bella turned around and looked at me with shiny brown lips.
She also painted my toes the other night. She would paint my skin and then yell at me to sit still.
Today we went to breakfast with Papa and Nana, Target, naps, lunch and then we played outside. Of course it was overcast all day and by the time we got out there the sun had come out a few minutes later so we didn't get to play as long, but we had fun with sidewalk chalk and bubbles.
Gabby loving on Bella. She is such a chunk. It's so funny to see her belly get bigger as the day goes on. When she wakes up it's pretty flat, but by the time dinner is over and time for baths it's a small soccer ball.
Gabby is all about giggling and being tickled. She also has started to fall backwards, flat on her back and then starts cracking up, rolls over and does it again. She started this a few days ago and yesterday before school she fell back right into the door and scratched her back pretty good from the hinge; however, that hasn't stopped her from doing it all day today.
Bella was very intense on coloring today. She's getting closer to staying in the lines...well she colors one area and stays pretty close to the lines where before she just colored all over the page.
Both girls were using the chair to flip/fly over. Gabby walked over the Bella and gave her such a big hug. However, ten minutes before Gabby screamed at Bella and pushed her off the chair. She is going to be one tough little cookie.
Bella giving Gabby a ride tonight on one of Gabby's favorite toys. She also loves to stand on it. She loves to climb and stands on everything. Today I turned around and she had climbed up one of Bella's chairs and was standing on top of it...then we were making caterpillars using paper chains and every few seconds Gabby was trying stand up. She does listen and gets down when you tell her sit on her booty.
They are so cute together and Gabby is getting more vocal when she wants something. They are both pretty good about sharing. Bella will say in two minutes and then go over and ask Gabby if she wants it...and Gabby will pick up things of Bella and take them to her. Bella keeps adding new I was talking to her I was in the kitchen and she was in her room and she came out and said "Mom were you asking me a question?" She was also looking at a magazine the other day that had a clown in it (a person dressed as a clown) and she asked what it was, I told her a clown, and then she said "that's nasty". I think she was referring to the caked on makeup. She also has started a nightly snuggle routine where we sit on the couch under a blanket and snuggle. Gabby keeps adding more words to her vocab too...she is a lot more verbal than Bella was. Bella at 18 months had the typical 5-6 words vocab that most have at that age...but Gabby has already surpassed that. She even said was resembled "thank you" the other night. She has really blossomed being at school. She is back to no crying when I drop her off and pick her up. I actually was with mom yesterday when we got the girls and I have to walk by Gabby's room to get Bella first or she gets upset not being able to pick up Gabby, and I usually she what Gabby is doing and hopes she doesn't see me...well she was dancing in the mirror and saw me...when we went back to get her with Bella the teachers said she was just waving at us...and then waved to mom and said "hi nana". First time she said nana so mom was excited. Still working on Papa T, even though she says Pappa, which sounds almost the same...she won't say it to dad I find it interesting that she knows the difference in sound and people.


Bonnie Newell said...

I love the picture of Gabby's hair!! I love how they play so well together. Please given them hugs from Granna. I miss them.