Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just a few pictures...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


A quick cute story (mainly for me to remember later)...

Gabby is in love with Bubbles. Every time you say let make bubbles she walks over the back door waiting to go do bubbles outside. Tonight we were getting ready for bath time and I asked Bella if she wanted bubbles. I turn around and Gabby has booked it out of the bathroom, down the hall and to the back door and kept saying "bubbles" the entire time. She got there and was banging on the glass wanting to go make bubbles. It was so cute. I said come on lets get in the bath and she looked so sad, until I picked her up and she saw all the bubbles in the tub and then she was excited and started back with the "bubbles...bubbles".

This week has been trying. Luckily Gabby seems to like daycare. She was so cute when I looked in yesterday and saw her sitting in her little chair at the table eating a snack. Unfortunately she has to get used to taking a nap on a cot and having other kids in the room. She has only napped about 30 minutes the past 3 days...which has led to naps on the way and coming home. Bella was the same way...but Bella would just walk in and start playing. Gabby just gets down and looks at you like what's going on. Today they were outside and by the time I left she was playing on the playground with the teacher...so I know it will just take a little time to get adjusted.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our comedian

So just a few things Bella has been saying. She cracks me up and is so social. Gabby is everywhere and has decided attempting to run or walk carrying heavy objects (like the scale) is better than just working on her walking skills. She is "talking" non-stop and know it's a matter of time before she's saying funny things too.

  • "Mommy put the camera down and please get in the pool with me"
  • "I know be patient...2 more minutes"
  • "I got the keys...I'm going to drive home"
  • We started spelling things to each other. Tonight Gabby was congested so I told Joel I was going to sit in the S-H-O-W-E-R with her. Bella piped up and said "I want to go to the R too"
  • "You're funny"
  • "I want Jess to cut my hair too"
  • "I like the boys" (in reference to flirting with the boy swim teachers during her lesson on Saturday)
  • "It bit me" (referring to any animal in any book that has teeth)
  • "Shhh...I'll be sneaky so daddy doesn't hear me" (when going potty after reading books before going to bed.
  • "My tummy hurts. I don't feel good. I need some chocolate milk to feel better"
She dressed up the other day and kept watching herself in the mirror.
Gabby loves the microphones we have
She also loves to play chase.
Watching Daddy mow the lawn
Playing/Eating play dough
Gabby starts school tomorrow and I go back into the office...so Monday I get both girls. We had a busy day of the grocery store, ball pit, dolls, reading, swimming, peek-a-boo, both girls went through 3 outfits...and I ended up with a huge headache...but wouldn't have changed anything. It was such a fun day, but I am anxious to get into the office. I am glad I can have one day with them to go and do fun things just us.
Bella loved the static from the ball pit. Gabby was busy cutting her lower molars with Bella's doll in her mouth. They still have not come in after 3 weeks...she was having a rough night.
In the pool today while Gabby napped. Then when Bella took her nap she said "Can we go to Nana's pool when I get up" I guess the baby pool is not as much fun as Nana's big pool.
Happy Father's Day snuggle.

Monday, June 15, 2009


We have been on a bubble kick recently.

The other night...the Hodges came over. Bella attacked Mase with the bubble gun.

but she made up later with snuggles.

Cash was so cute!

This weekend Bella found ALL of her purses and felt the need to carry ALL of them around.

Mom and Dad got back from Greece last night. They bought Bella a belly dancer outfit...she was not a fan (except for the shoes)

but Gabby loved it. She was dancing to Beyonce.
Then we put on their matching dresses and took some pictures. They are so happy together... I love seeing them laugh at each other.

Tonight I made spaghetti...Gabby was covered...it was in all her rolls. I took the tray off and she kept eating... Bella has been a talker and stinker lately. The other day she was in her room and got in trouble she cried but kept looking at herself in mirror to see what she looked like. When you tell her to go to time out she'll say "sorry, sorry, sorry..." and I say "thank you for apologizing but you still have to sit in the chair" and she goes "but mommy I am Sorry". She is also developing her own language. The other night she went on and on...we had no idea what she was saying...then the adults would be talking and she would say "it's my turn to talk" and then go back into this story. I bought her a few new books last week - ladybug girl and Ladybug Girl & Bumblebee Boy. We've read them for every nap and bedtime since I bought them. She's also into being a ballerina lately. She is on a dress and skirt kick...and that's what she asks to wear every day.
Gabby has been busy cutting 4 molars at the same time. It was about 2 nights of no sleep. We just felt so bad because you could tell it just hurt. She is every where now that she is walking. She just pops up and keeps going. She starts daycare next week. So our new routine should be interesting. I'll have both girls Monday and then they will go to school and I'll go into the office Tuesday through Friday...and work at night too but hopefully not nearly as much. Bella has moved up to the next class and loves being with all her friends again (Ava and Kaitlyn (aka Tinkerbell)). She runs in and finds them and gives them hugs. I just hope Gabby enjoys school as much as Bella has. I'm also hoping that she'll learn to play better by herself...she is getting better now that she's walking...so hopefully.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Gabby 1 Year Pictures

Friday, June 05, 2009

Gabby in action

I forgot how fast it happens once they start. This first video is Gabby's first many steps. Of course the first time (before we had the camera) went smoother...but she was after my salad.

Here are a few more...now she's everywhere and hardly crawls. She finally started standing without holding anything today. Now she goes forward, backward, pivots...she just doesn't stop! No wonder she ate more than me at dinner!

She is also loves her chair and climbs all over it. In addition she also "dances" to Beyonce when Ryan has it on...now if you ask her "to put a ring on it" she'll point to her hand.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sister Time

Here are some pictures from this weekend. The girls really have fun together. They decided to color and Gabby had more fun dumping the box and eating them than actually coloring.
I had fun the other day in the $1 section of Target. They had these great Nemo matching cards and I thought I'd try memory with Bella. It amazes me how much she remembers.

They love playing in Bella's new bed. Bella loves to read to Gabby. She even slept on the top bunk last night and tonight.
Glad the girls got my eye lashes.She so cute when she walks! She's still figuring it out but everyday it's a little more.
Pool time today - we love to invade Papa and Nana's backyard.
Happy Early Birthday Papa - have fun on your trip.

Joel (yes I'm completely blaming him) has gotten Bella hooked on Hannah Montana. She walks around saying "I watch Hannah Tana". I really don't understand why kids love that show. There is some humor but none that a 2 year old would really get...and she doesn't really sing that much on the shows we've watched, but Joel took her to Target on Saturday to get new toy baskets for her room and of course came home with the purple butterfly Hannah Montana ones (luckily there was no pictures or logos of her), but every night the show is on before bed time and she just sits there in a trance...oh it's the beginning.