Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gabby's (almost) 9 month appointment

Gabby combined her recheck and 9 month appointment today. First of all, I can't believe she's one week shy of 9 months and will be 1 in three months. She is such a happy baby and LOVES exploring. She is everywhere. She chases people around the house and just laughs when you look back at her. She's getting pretty fast too. Not only is she crawling but she's pulling up and cruising on everything. I know walking is right around the corner since she has great balance and has started to let go with one hand already. Another bottom tooth has broken though for a total of 3, and her two top teeth are just about to come in also. She was 27.5 inches and 20 lbs and 12 oz. I thought she'd hit 21 pounds but her weight dipped a little since she's always going and no so much into napping...however, no concern my butterball is still in the 85% for weight. She is loving her stage 3 foods with chunks in them...really she just loves food. She is all about moving and talking. She tries to mimic everyone's noises. She's just so snuggable....we love her to pieces.

We did "borrow" Bella's princess skirt and wings while she was at school the other day (no way Bella would have shared).

Gabby loves playing in Bella's room...especially the books.

Wearing the heart shirts from Granna. Good thing we didn't wash Gabby's first because her 18 month shirt almost didn't fit!
Bella made cookies last weekend with mommy.

Unfortunately I thought she was finally well, but she got another fever last night...and has been coughing non-stop. It's so hard to sit and listen to her coughing in her room with not being able to do anything. Tonight she came out and curled up with daddy and said she wanted to cuddle...there was no way Joel was going to take her back to her bed after that. I just wish she could get some sleep...and I pray Gabby doesn't get this cold too since her wheezing has finally stopped.
Bella's other new thing is to fast forward her movies. Whenever there is a character she doesn't like she comes running..."fast forward it". She loves the new Madagascar movie although she calls it the "move it move it movie", but she doesn't like one of the lions or the shark so we have to fast forward those parts. It's funny.
She was talking a lot and now tries to talk faster so it's getting harder to understand her again. Well I'm exhausted from this heading to bed.


Ryan & Rose said...

I forget how close Phoebe and Gabby are in age - isn't it crazy how fast a year happens?! I'm half tempted to ship you the rest of our stage 3 food since she was never a fan of chunks in her baby food. Phoebe has decided if she can't feed herself, she's not interested! Enjoy your weekend, Jen!