My little daisy! We got some cute 9 month pictures today...but it was a struggle. As happy as Gabby is she has a lot more stranger anxiety than Bella a strange place was not a welcoming site today. The photographer was actually really nice and patient I just don't think she liked the strange room. So here are a couple from today.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Gabby's 9 month pictures.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bella and a dust buster
I know...another post. Bella has just seemed to be in rare form lately! This morning she woke up about 5:30 having to potty. So we went potty and put her back in bed. She started coughing so I thought it was going to be an early morning so I got her some water and she went back to bed. Apparently she didn't go back to sleep because around 6ish she turned the dust buster on in our room. Joel and I both jumped so high from being woken up we had no idea what was going on. So Joel got up and explained it was a little too early to be up and put her back in bed...where she came out a little while later with her bunny slippers on. We asked did you go back to sleep...where she replied "no I didn't sleep" so matter-of-factly.
Last night we went to Kobe to celebrate Daddy and Aunt Stephie's birthdays. Bella and Gabby were so enthralled with all the action at dinner. Bella wasn't too excited about the fire part but Gabby loved it.
Bella trying on her Easter Dress.
and hat...made me think of Auntie
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Day With Bella & Gabby
I know I posted yesterday, but wanted to write down my day with Bella before I forgot all the funny things she here goes.
Bella stayed home today since she had a fever yesterday and after a night of getting up 4 times from her coughing to having to potty to wanting a drink. I woke up exhausted to start with. At breakfast we put on pooh "bannaids" on her feet since her sandals rubbed yesterday...however we had to put one on the other foot too - tigger - because she had to have a pooh and tigger.
So we had a pretty good morning playing with legos, dolls and Gabby (aka "Grabby Hands"). She wanted pig tails and then put on her princess shoes and then added a belt...she finally decided she wanted her butterfly ("flutterfly") outfit, so we changed and re-added all the accessories. She came out and said "I'm going to Daddy's work". We continued playing and she thought that lunging over her monkey chair would be fun...and that led to rolling around a half blown up Valentine's Day balloon. Gabby went down for a nap and we watched Cinderella and had to "fast forward it" when the cat was chasing the mouse. Then she wanted Happy Feet so we started that one.
Then it was time for her nap. We read a book and she hopped into bed. I mistaking thought she was asleep when she came the first time...which she wanted "ater"...then back to bed...then she came out wanting "honey" for her cough, so i got the honey and then that became "yucky i don't like it" (even though she's had it the past 3 days without a problem) but she would eat it off my finger just not off the spoon...then back to bed...when I hear her singing her I go in and find legos in her then lay her back down once the toys are out of her bed...then Gabby gets up and about 25 minutes later (once again thinking she's finally gone down) I here a bang and go into find her closing her drawer and her bed is now full of dolls and their clothes plus bunny slippers and butterfly I lay her back down...about 30 more minutes and I hear banging on her it again and she says "hi mommy I'm not taking a nap today" I gave up after almost 3 hours.
Then I went to try Gabby for a 2nd nap and as I'm rocking her Bella slowly opens the door, comes over and whispers "Mama I'm going to go eat some fru snacks" and then slowly closed the door behind her. I laid Gabby down and came out to Bella bouncing on her ball with the "fru snacks" next to her waiting for mommy to open them. Then it was time for a real snack and she asked for "fart yogurt" it took me to figure out she meant fruit.
Gabby woke up from her short lived 30 minute nap to Bella going potty and screaming out "mommy I had a big poop"...I mean really you just have to laugh sometimes. It is now 4:30 and Bella is still running around putting everything to bed and Gabby is still following her and now playing with the balloon. They were actually really cute playing together today...and I know there are going to be so many more great sister moments. Bella I'm pretty sure hit another growth spurt since her pants are too short and she looks so tall today. Gabby's top teeth have broken through which was luckily uneventful.
A few more Bella stories...she has become obsessed with having a baby brother...she actually prays for him every night after she thanks god for her baby sister & gabby. It all started when I set aside the Bumbo to give to Molly. I had told Bella to stop playing with my piles because that was for Logan's baby brother and ever since then she talks about her baby brother all the time.
Bella's next obsession is boobs/nipples. I'm not sure why but she points and talks about hers all the time especially in the bathtub. This morning she woke up and said..."mama my nipple and booty hurt". Yesterday I had a sweatshirt on in the morning and she asked me "mama where did your boobs you need a bra?" I'm thinking...yes because of you and your sister. Oh my I know this is only the beginning of "the funny things kids say" I'm just glad it hasn't happened in public (but know that is just a moment away).
So ending on that note, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I can't believe there is only 1 more week left in February...crazy
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Gabby's (almost) 9 month appointment
Gabby combined her recheck and 9 month appointment today. First of all, I can't believe she's one week shy of 9 months and will be 1 in three months. She is such a happy baby and LOVES exploring. She is everywhere. She chases people around the house and just laughs when you look back at her. She's getting pretty fast too. Not only is she crawling but she's pulling up and cruising on everything. I know walking is right around the corner since she has great balance and has started to let go with one hand already. Another bottom tooth has broken though for a total of 3, and her two top teeth are just about to come in also. She was 27.5 inches and 20 lbs and 12 oz. I thought she'd hit 21 pounds but her weight dipped a little since she's always going and no so much into napping...however, no concern my butterball is still in the 85% for weight. She is loving her stage 3 foods with chunks in them...really she just loves food. She is all about moving and talking. She tries to mimic everyone's noises. She's just so snuggable....we love her to pieces.
We did "borrow" Bella's princess skirt and wings while she was at school the other day (no way Bella would have shared).
Gabby loves playing in Bella's room...especially the books.
Wearing the heart shirts from Granna. Good thing we didn't wash Gabby's first because her 18 month shirt almost didn't fit!
Bella made cookies last weekend with mommy.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I want money
So tonight, Joel was watching the girls while I updated one of the office web sites and here is how the conversation went.
Bella playing in Joel's front pocket of his sweatshirt
Joel: Bella what are you doing
Bella: I want money
Joel: Who taught you to ask for money?
Bella: Mommy
Joel: Go ask mommy for money for a cell phone. Tell her you love her this much and then say you need money for a cell phone for you and daddy.
Bella: Mine is pink and daddy's is black.
Bella comes into the office.
Bella: Mommy, I need money
Me: You need money
Bella: Yes pink cell phone and daddy's black
Me: Oh daddy wants a cell phone
Bella: Yeah
Joel: Tell Mommy how much you love her
Bella: I love you this much...I need money.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Brown Bear & Bouncing
Bella is adding more words when we read or sing songs. Tonight we/she was reading Brown Bear.
Here is Bella bouncing on her new ball.
Oh My Goodness
Well the girls are feeling better finally. The title of the blog is in reference to Bella's new saying. On Thursday we were at Papa & Nana's house sharing Valentine Gifts when out of the blue Bella goes "Oh My Goodness"...I was in tears it was so funny. She paused after each word and became more animated as she went along. It was inreference to receiving heart erasers...she didn't even know what they were but was excited to get them. This saying has been constanst the past few days but does also get changed into "Oh My Gosh".
Today we finally were able to get Gabby's ears pierced. It was the first weekend where she hasn't had a cold in months. She was a great tropper. A little while after the first one was done I was thinking that went well she didn't cry and then all of the sudden the tears and screams came. Joel was holding her and said just hurry and do the other one. Once she was done and out of the store she was fine. Bella was even pretty good and picked out a lovely pair of butterfly wings to wear around the mall....which she spent the rest of the day wearing.
Lately Gabby has been loving her puppy. We bring it in the car and she just plays all the songs.
Every morning Bella has to put on makeup with mommy.
She loves to jump off her stool. She'll spend an hour just jumping off of it.
We also got her a ball to bounce around the house in...and new princess skirt for Valentines Day.
Gabby's shares a room with the office. We are working on finding a bigger house, but for now I've taken over the kitchen with work too. Anyway, I guess the trash can was a little too close to her crib the other night because when I walked in to get her...this is what I found. She had gotten papers out of the trash and pulled them through the slots.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Two Sick Little Girls Plus Bella's new song
So Bella has pneumonia and Gabby has RSV. Despite being ill we had a great time all week playing together (mommy's is exhausted)...however I am anxious for Bella to go back to school and so is she. She keeps asking to play with her friend Dazzer...who is a boy. Bella is doing much better although last night took awhile to calm her down after she said there were monsters under her bed. Gabby is still wheezing a lot...but I'm hoping it will clear up soon.
Here is Gabby claiming a ball she crawled after and picked up.
Bella putting all her "babies" (Curious George, Teddy, Shamu & Pillow) to sleep under their blankets. It is typically these 4 however she also put a few dolls, the remote and Gabby's toys to sleep as well this week. We had things covered in blankets all over the house.
Yesterday we played princess dress-up and Gabby even got in on the action...minus the heels.
Bath time...lots of bubbles and a mohawk.
Bella of course claiming the hippo has her toy even though it is Gabby's. I guess she thought holding on to it made it hers.
Gabby is not only crawling everywhere, but climbing up everything. Bella is a climber but I think Gabby may be even more excited about it. She'll use, case of water, stool, and Bella's desk. She's still pretty wobbly so I don't think walking is in the near future but she is funny to get down she does the splits until her butt hits the floor.