Monday, August 04, 2008

funny videos

Two kids is a roller coaster of emotions...there is so much to describe but it is hard to put into words. At moments I want 10 more because they are so fun, amazing, little miracles...but then in a split second it's hard to hand two. Bella has been going through her Jekyll and Hyde stage. In an instance she can be either one and when Ms Hyde comes out it is a whole new ballgame. For the most part she is so good with Gabby and keeps us laughing most of the time, but she has a little streak in her and she has the meanest little faces that I almost think daggers might come out of her eyes when you tell her no. She also started to fake cry last night, which was always seems to be something new. Gabby is so laid back (thank you Lord)...I think it's because she knows mommy would have to be committed if she was a fussy baby. She just goes along and sleeps or plays. The only time she fusses is when she's hungry or overly tired or cold. I feel blessed to have such amazing little girls. Watching them together is so fun...I love when the three of us snuggle or play. Well that was a lot of rambling that probably didn't make much here are some pictures and videos....

Gabby loves being snuggled in blankets. I love how she is holding the edge of this one.
Gabby loves Bella...anytime Bella is around she starts smiling....could be because she has a silly sister. Gabby sunbathing once was only 112 that day! Good thing she's like her mommy...who loves the heat.
Saturday snuggle session
On Friday I took Bella swimming with Papa was the longest she stayed in the pool and we had so much fun. Papa and Nana got two new friends for the house...Mowgli and Houdini
Thursday night we painted Bella's toes
Now onto a few recent videos. Here is Bella (okay me) singing If you're happy and you know it...

Dancing in mommy's shoes.

And we couldn't leave Gabby she is talking.


Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

I love the snuggling picture...

Bonnie Newell said...

I love Bella doing the "Happy" song. I looked at the website Wed. after a very long day speaking in Missouri. It was just what I needed to put a smile on my faced! I love hearing Gabby make noises too.

miriamnewell said...
