Well it has been a crazy couple of weeks...seems to be the story of my life these days. We did a software upgrade at the office, which didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped but we're getting there. We are starting to get into a routine during the week, since I'm now back to working (from home mostly). We get up and get ready...Gabby usually passes out in her swing while Bella and I get ready, then it's off to take Bella to school. By the time I get home I usually still have a good 1-2 hours with Gabby sleeping to get some work done. Then it's lunch time and playtime. She'll then take another nap and I can work a little more then we go get big sister. We have playtime dinner, baths, books and then Bella goes to bed. By the time Joel gets home around 7ish...it's his turn with Gabby and I finish up working a few more hours. It seems crazy, but I get to spend a lot of time with the girls separately and together.
Bella is starting to like being a big sister and I think they'll be great friends soon. Since Gabby is more alert and watches her, she's getting better with her. The other morning Bella got in bed with me (Gabby was already there) and Gabby looked at her and gave the biggest smile to Bella. Gabby grins a lot but a big smile is hard to catch it usually happens really fast.
Well here are the pictures from the past couple weeks. Joel asked the other day to look at the ones I had taken this week...he didn't know that there were about 150. Yes, I have a problem with taking pictures, but they grow so fast I just want to capture every moment I can. Bella was all about saying cheese now when she see the camera she won't look at me! Anyway here they are. Bella at school. I love seeing her sit in the little chairs.
How cute is that face...you have to take a picture of it. Sometimes it freaks me out because I look at Bella and I see me (well she looks like my baby pictures) and then I look at Gabby and see Bella and me...it's crazy.
Bella has enjoyed showing Gabby her animals and teaching her their noises.
Last night we had our open house at the office...it's not too often I actually have time to get ready. I've lost almost all the weight from Gabby (so that's exciting)...now I just have 20 more pounds from Bella to lose! Getting there a lot faster this time...chasing Bella and eating just salads for the most part have helped drop it really fast.
Bella hung out with Chad and Steph most of the time...every time we turned around Steph was giving her another little cake to eat! Steph said it was because she kept saying please so she couldn't say no (Bella sure has her number...Nana's too) I think she had eaten about 10 by the time daddy took her home.
This is our lobby...the picture doesn't do it justice, but the office is beautiful (thanks to Ryan and Mom).
So our sprinklers are broken (see the dead plant in the background) and we haven't had time to get a repair man out, so I've been watering the yard usually after Bella goes down in the evening...but she helped the other day and had so much fun...and was drenched by the end of it.
I love Saturday mornings....we all get to hang out together. Usually Joel goes to McDonalds for breakfast and then we watch cartoons. This morning Bella was snuggling with Gabby and then went over and just planted one on her...it was too precious, and she did it again once I got my camera...of course she did have her nu nu in her mouth the 2nd time.
I love Gabby's pjs...there are little bears on her feet.
I attempted to put Bella's hair in a ponytail...I got most of it since I was chasing her around trying to do it. She looks so grown up...I can't believe how big she's getting.
I love listening to Bella's sweet little voice on the video! Both girls are growing so fast. Give them hugs and kisses from Granna,please :-)
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