Monday, July 05, 2010

Funny things kids say

Bella has said some of the funniest things lately and I wanted to write them down before I forgot them:

  • At dinner Bella declared "I hate something, I don't know what that something is yet, but I know I hate it"
  • At T-mobile today the girls were chatting up the fake phones and dancing to all the music since we were the only ones there...all of a sudden Bella busts out "where's my girls at...come on, come on" and started dancing...i thought the sales guys were going to fall on the floor laughing...then gabby had to add her "I'm rocking it out"
  • We met Nana and Papa for dinner the other night and Bella asked where Nana's car was after seeing Papa's. I said that they probably rode together and she said "why? Doesn't Nana know how to drive here."
  • Bella: "I can't wait to be a mommy so I can drive" then I had to explain that mommies were the only one allowed to drive.
  • Something she says constantly is "Oh Man" and/or "My Bad"

Gabby of course always repeats whatever Bella just said or adds "me to"

  • Gabby's new question about EVERYTHING..."did you buy that mommy" tonight she asked this about everything she saw...juice, plates, cups, plant...don't know where she picked that up but at the end she said "you buy a lot mommy"...yes even my 2 year old knows I have a shopping problem.
  • Any time music come on now Gabby shouts out "Mommy I'm rocking it out"