Well there have been a lot of changes lately, and life has been so busy. We hopefully sold our house and we close June 28th, so we found a new house in my old stomping grounds. So now I'm closer to work and the girls' daycare. We will have space, which we are all excited about. So in the mean time the girls are growing up so much. Gabby and Bella are so similar, but Gabby takes the personality to a whole new level. She is finding her independence and is becoming quite a stinker. She is definitely pushing the boundaries to see what she can get away with and spends a lot of time in time out. Her vocabulary amazes me...the other morning she kicked me in the eye while rolling around in bed and she said "so sorry mommy, it was an accident"...I was so excited she said such a long word. She moved to the big class the end of the week and loves it, as much as her new teachers love having her, but could be b/c she's potty trained where most aren't. She is finally sleeping in her toddler bed since we bought princess sheets. However now Bella wants new sheets. Bella is spelling and drawing every chance she gets. She writes her name on everything (although it took a lot of convincing this morning that there was no "H" in her name). Her people actually look like people now...she's so funny she's start with a circle and then make eyes and a mouth, and now has added ears and some time hair, but no noses. Below she drew a yellow whale with water coming out of its spout and an ocean
I'm not sure if I'll get anything updated before we head to Colorado and moving, but I'll try to at least get pictures up.
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