Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gabby turns 2!

So I'm a little delayed, but Gabby turned 2 a few weeks ago. We took doughnuts to her class the Friday before...of course we had to dress up. Bella enjoying her doughnut

Bella was such a big helper, passing out the munchkins to all of Gabby's friends.
Gabby LOVES her maime (Miss Jamie)Heading to the princess party Princesses Galore
The girls dressed up as Belle and Sleeping BeautyLittle miss Presley...so cute in her white gloves
Gabby hanging out with little Blake
Miss Reese and Presley were so cute dressed up.
Cake time
Presents...she was so cute. After opening each present she would run over and say Thank you.
Uncle Chad brought out the big present from Papa and Nana...the girls love it. They have a little trouble steering, but they found the gas pedal really fast.


The Vaughters said...

So cute! We got your guys' thank you card, too. :) I've been meaning to tell you - ever since Gabby's party, Mia has been wanting "long pigtails like Bella" in her hair - Ha!!