Saturday, April 03, 2010

Pappa & Granna Visit

I don't think we could have squeezed any more into one week. It was crafts galore. We started with coloring the Easter eggs the afternoon Granna and Pappa came to visit. First we dyed, then painted, then glittered, or as Gabby called it "more sparkleys" The next day we went to the zoo. We got there when it opened and had so much fun. We only lasted 3 hours, but it was long enough.

Gabby looking at the rattlesnakes.
We got to feed the giraffes...Bella and Gabby got to feed them lettuce and everyone else fed them pellets. This was Bella favorite part of the day.
We also saw the Manta Rays. Gabby just wanted to play with the water...we had to keep her from climbing and going for a swim. Bella got brave and put her hands in but was the first to say "I didn't touch it". They didn't want to leave, but once they got splashed with a fin they were scared to put their hands back in and ready to move on.Bella got to ride the camel with Daddy and then again with Pappa.
We had fun looking at the monkeys. Gabby loved them and would say "look Mommy, monkey". When we went by the lions the male lion had just laid down and she said, "Shhh, Mommy the LiLi is sleeping...shhhh".
The girls stayed home all week and had so much fun. They played Don't Break the Ice. Gabby now LOVES this game. She kept saying "again, again"
Pappa read to both girls the Easter story. Bella understands the empty egg now. It was so cute the first thing she said to Pappa when they came in from the airport was that they needed to do the eggs. She got them down and went through all of them. When they got to the end she told Pappa that it was empty because the stone (in the previous egg) was rolled away and the tomb was empty because Jesus was alive. Then she told Granna the cloth was not a Kleenex and we can't blow our nose with it.Everyone's nails got painted, including Pappa.They made and decorated construction paper Easter baskets and cards for everyone.They made candy to fill the basketsThey tie dyed shirtsMade sock bunniesGot tattoosBaked cupcakesMade blankets
Making CardsHad running races and played hide and seekGabby's new way of doing a somersault.

Gabby has always been a talker with a large vocabulary, but this week she started with sentences and doing everything herself. She puts her shoes on and doing great with her cup and silverware. She gets so excited and says "I did it myself". She also loves to show off and says, "Look at me, Mommy" "Look at me, Daddy". Tonight after baths Joel was reading to Bella and I was reading to Gabby while doing her breathing treatment. When we were done, she said "I need a kiss" and then opened Bella's door and gave both a kiss. Then for the first time she said "I love you Daddy...I love you Bella". It was so cute. She ran to get her monkey and then went back into the room and said "one more kiss". She is so funny. She dances around right now by skipping and hopping and is just as independent and bossy as her sister...even though she said today "Bella's bossy". Through gaining her independence we have quite a few tantrums, but she is also a little actress just like her sister and will pout or make sure you're looking at her. Oh she is a character.