Friday, April 30, 2010

Catching Up

So I am definitely playing catch up. We have been so busy this month I can't believe May starts tomorrow and in 23 days Gabby will be 2! She is growing into little miss do it herself. She is testing her limits and seeing how much she can get away with. The other day Bella was in time out and Gabby had just gotten up and she started picking on Bella. I told her she should be nice or she was going to be in time out and she threw out her hip and pointed her finger at me and said "no no no" and then giggled. Her little attitude was so funny I had to turn around so she couldn't see me grinning. She also has her sweet moments…the other day after her breathing treatment she proceeded to say "I need a kiss", walked into Bella room gave them both a kiss and then said "I Love You Daddy" and "I Love You Bella" Then she went in again for "one more kiss".

Bella is growing taller and taller. I can't believe she is in a size 5 and some of those are getting too short on her. She is doing really well in gymnastics and she did a backwards somersault the other day after only a few tries. She's also getting to be a pretty good swimmer. She is now working on lifting her head to breathe. She has figured out that kicking and using her arms gets her moving forward, but now she is working on turning her head to catch a breath. I was amazed after swimming in Florida how far she could swim to the side in one breath by herself. I have no doubt by the end of summer she'll be a little fish.

Anyway here are the pictures from Easter and Florida...they are long so here's my apology in advance. We head to Indiana next weekend to watch Joel, Auntie and Shawn run in the mini, so we are excited for that.