Friday, April 30, 2010

Florida Beach

As we go to eat dinner after a long day of flying, Bella said "Whoa that a big hamgumburger and it's hot" when her dinner came. We got up to the room and unpacked. Finally got into bed about 10 and they were both out; however, about 2 hours later they were up and ready to play. I think they were confused that it wasn't a nap but time to stay in bed.
When we got to the hotel there was a wedding. Bella LOVED the white dress and purple flowers the bride had. When we got to the room she asked if I had brought my wedding dress with me, because she had hers. We have since seen several weddings at the hotel and Bella just loves all the white dresses, she asked Nana if she had hers too. Then going to dinner she said her blue dress with white flowers was her wedding dress. I said if I can get away with a $29.50 wedding dress then we're set!

Our first day at the beach. The three of us got up and had breakfast in the room. Bella devoured my bagel and Gabby did pretty good with her banana and rice krispies. Then we got ready and headed down to the beach. We got there right when Papa did, so we walked out and found some lounge chairs. Gabby didn't like the sand on her feet. She kept trying to wipe it off, so I took her into the water and she didn't like that either. We finally started digging and filling up buckets with sand. Bella kept tip toeing around the seaweed, when I asked her what she was doing she said "stepping over the spiders." She thought that was pretty fun…although she didn't want Papa to bury her. After building sand castles and a sand turtle, Bella and Papa headed into the water. It was nice and calm and cold. Bella and Papa ran away from the waves and Bella thought that was a lot of fun. Gabby wasn't too sure still so I kept picking her up when a wave came so she could "jump" it. Finally I plopped her down in one and she made a big splash. After that she loved the water. Of course it soon turned into "myself". Bella decided it was time to head to the pool, but once she started picking up the sand toys, she started playing again for another hour. We finally got rinsed off and headed to the pool. There was sand in every part of the their swim suits. We got some chairs and blew up Gabby's floaties and Bella's fish tube and we headed in. Gabby thought she could swim and kept trying to get away from me. She'd sit on the step and say "myself, myself". Nana finally came down and we convinced the girls to get out of the pool and to get more "hamgumburgers". While waiting for the burgers Gabby just about fell asleep. We kept her awake long enough to eat and head back to the room. The girls then proceeded to take a 2 ½ hour nap.

When they got up Joel had arrived from his flight. We headed to find something to eat and ended up driving to a great restaurant that had boats come in and bring people to eat there. We saw a school of flying fish too. Bella had calamari for the second night in a row…and devoured her chicken strips and chocolate cake. Gabby was funny making her kissy face poses and showing everyone her muscles.

She kept sneaking her French fries during dinner, we would say "eat some more chicken" and she would grab a piece put it in her mouth and then when she thought we weren't looking she'd put it down and grab a French fry. The next day we headed to the beach before the rain came in. It didn't take long and it was pouring outside

so we headed to the children's museum. They had a great aquarium exhibit and then a huge exhibit upstairs about the body. Bella like playing the different notes to see how sound waves work
Gabby liked the little slideOne night the girls and I went down to the beach to listen to the waves.
Finally our last beach day the sun was out in full force. Once we told the girls it was sunny, Gabby grabbed her swimsuit, floaties and fish. I have never seen the girls get ready so fast.

The last night in Fort Lauderdale we ate at an old landmark – Cap's Place. We felt a little like we were camping, but the restaurant that started in the 1920 was an old rum running establishment. Al Capone used to visit as well as the Rockefeller's. Churchill used to meet with Roosevelt to strategize during the war. The food was good, but the history made it worth the little boat ride to the "Island."