Monday, January 04, 2010

Two Princesses

Both girls are back into princess dress up and Gabby has become obsessed with wearing heels around. She needs help putting them on, but once she's up she lasts a long time making laps around the kitchen. Gabby has even started saying the Disney princesses names - Ariel, Cinderella, Belle, Aurora. Bella loves her Aurora dress...I'm not sure if it's because she bought it with her gift card (thanks Cassie) or because it's pink, but that leaves Gabby loving that she gets to pick from the Cinderella, Snow White or Belle dresses, although it is usually Cinderella...she's so cute when she says it, then she goes and finds the blue matching heels.
The girls love to chase each other around. Gabby is getting pretty violent and we are trying to stop that. She's got quite an arm and just hits Bella or pulls her hair, and has started pinching. The other night she grabbed a huge chunk of Bella's arm. She has also started throwing huge tantrums when she's told no...or she'll mimic us and run around going "no no no no no" (her other favorite word is "mine"). She is quick to boss everyone around "sit down here mommy". This past weekend she was definitely attached to Joel. We went shopping and Joel had to push her stroller or the cart. She would say "no mommy daddy push" or would try moving my hands off the handle. She only wanted Joel to get her out of her car seat or get her drink. Oh I think she's going to be more testing than Bella - what happened to my laid back little one?!? It is nice that she's talking so much and saying 4-5 word sentences but she doesn't take "no" very well. Catching butterflies from the elephants trunk

Gabby has also started tackling Bella. I think it's because Joel tussles with Gabby pretty rough so now Gabby will run and take Bella down. The other night she sat on her and wouldn't get up. But she's still our love bug (the rest of the time) - daddy's girlBoth girls have loved their strollers and take their babies around the house. Gabby has been mimicing all of Bella's actions. She has started covering up her toys...I went in after her nap today and she pointed at her doll and said "abby go night-night" - she had covered up her Abby doll with a blanket. She has also become obsessed with blankets and has to have all of the ones on the couch. She'll carry/drag these huge blankets around the living room and kitchen.

Not to leave Bella out. Since her 2nd set of tubes and adnoids taken out a month ago, she has been very sensitive. She'll randomly cry and be hysterical about random things. Sometimes she'll come in to our room in the morning. If Joel has already left for work she'll start crying that he didn't kiss her good-bye. It's happening less and less, but she's started other things...such as when she gets a time out she'll say "Mommy you're not my friend anymore"...not a fan of that one...but a few minutes later she'll say "Sorry mommy you're still my best friend". She's still pretty funny. The other day I said "I was pooped" and she quickly replied..."ewww mom not in your pants"...other funny things are she'll reply when she agrees with something we say "oh yeah yeah yeah". Both have such moods swings...Bella is starting to comprehend more things like accidents or starting to think through actions or cause & effect, and Gabby is just learning boundaries, but it completely drains me lately. However, both girls were fantastic with no tantrums (until about 10 minutes before Joel got home) today. They played great and shared. Hoping these phases go by fast.


Bonnie Newell said...

I like your new blog page, very pretty. Love the girls in their princess dresses. So cute that they play together. Give them a hug from Granna, please. I miss them.