Sunday, November 08, 2009

State Fair

Yesterday we headed to the fair with Uncle Chaddy and Aunt Stephie. We weren't sure if Bella would go on any rides, but we were shocked by her dare devil spirit. When she was little she was fearless and would climb and jump off everything. Then she was scared of the merry-go-round last year at the zoo so I wasn't sure what to expect even though she loves the merry-go-round now. But she loved all the rides and kept pointing to the adult rides to go on.

Daddy and Chad made the climb (barely) to the top of the slide and came down with Bella. For a second I thought Bella was going to just sit down and go by herself but Joel grabbed her.
She seemed to like this ride, but this pictures shows otherwise...

She did love the helicopter she went on by herself.
That's Joel and Bella at the top of the ferris wheel. I thought she might freak out at the top, but she would not stop asking to go on it (I think because we have a carnival book with a picture of cookie monster on one she wanted to ride it). They even had to stop at the top to let someone else one and Bella was looking over and waving and the seats were swinging...I think Joel was a little scared she would try and stand up or fall off.
Gabby even had a little ride on a tractor. She seemed to have fun but think next year will be more fun when she can ride too.
Bella giving her sister a little love after the ferris wheel
Gabby did enjoy petting the pigs in the petting zoo. Bella freaked out though. Chad had bought food for the animals (as you can see his friend sneaking under his arm) and they swarmed us when we walked in. This was the only time Bella would stand on the ground until Chad's friend came over. There were lamas, sheep and goats and some were pretty big and jumped up on Chad.
Of course you have to play games...
which means you find a booth where you are guaranteed a win (when you are the only one to play).
Bella won a giraffe, but Gabby quickly claimed it as "mine" (her new favorite word). She would not let go of it, even when she was out of the stroller she was carrying it around and dancing with it. Luckily Bella was too busy with the rides to care that Gabby was now the owner of the "raffe"
Food was another focus of the trip...I couldn't wait for curly fries and Indian fry bread (both were fantastic). Gabby wasn't sure of the cotton candy. It was so light she couldn't figure out that you ate it.
but both devoured their corn. Gabby just kept looking for more kernels and it finally had to get taken away when there was none left.
We had a fantastic sunset to finish off the evening.