Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gymnastic and our talking toddler

Monday mom watched Gabby so I could actually watch Bella's lesson. Mom enjoyed Gabby alone (which hardly happens) and I enjoyed Bella's class and a short trip to the mall for Daddy's Christmas present (which she promptly told him we bought as soon as he got home that night). Anyway...Bella is so cute in gymnastics. She loves trampoline time

It's hard for me to remember she's younger than everyone else by over a year when she's bigger than them.

On the "big" balance beam


Now onto my growing toddler...I can't believe she is almost 18 months. It's hard to believe I was 7 months pregnant when Bella was this age. Bella seemed older, but it's probably because I'm trying to keep Gabby as much as a baby as I can. However, she is anything but little anymore. She is so smart and is putting two-three words together. Much earlier than Bella did. Last night she said "Mama blow" and then helped me blow on her mashed potatoes. It was so cute...she would test them and say "okay". She loves books and mom was surprised when she sat for about 30 minutes just looking at books with her. She's great saying what the pictures are and is obsessed with Elmo right now (her Christmas present from Bella although mommy bought it online so Bella can't ruin that surprise too).
We (I) love to make pancakes for dinner, and Gabby loves to dip them.
She was so funny and wanted "gatrade" so much she picked up and brought them over to me...she's a little impatient too. I loved her face. Her hair is getting really long and she isn't looking too much like a baby anymore.
Being silly for the camera. She is getting into so many routines. After a meal she says down and then runs over and climbs up the stool to wash her hands. She has so much fun playing in the water. She also loves to brush her teeth and runs into the kitchen and climbs back up and grabs her toothbrush. At school she'll run to the fridge for her cups and then to her teacher to get her paper for the day.
She was rocking out the other night...just like her big sister. This weekend we got the girls tent out....but they wanted daddy to go in but it's a little small. It was so cute if you can see both girls hands are patting him night night.
Playing puppets
They love to tackle each other
We've been practicing letters...she looked so studious.

Both girls are so similar...their independence is growing. They are pretty good about sharing but Gabby's new favorite word is "mine". The other night Bella was playing with my purse and I asked her to leave it alone (this was after several conversations of needing to listen to mommy and daddy). She put it down and promptly said "I didn't want to play with it anyway" spun around and stormed off. Joel ran to the bathroom cracking up. Sometimes it's just so hard not to laugh.

Tonight Gabby was in the back seat and said "Mama movie" and pointed to the screen that I had turned off because Bella didn't want to watch any more Hannah Tanna, but in the end they compromised and Bella will get to pick what we watch tomorrow.

While I was at our provider dinner Sunday the girls found the Christmas presents while Daddy was ordering pizza. He came out and they were trying to get the princesses out of the packages. Then we went to Target on Monday and Bella goes "Oh Mommy I want the big package of princesses" (apparently the individual wrapped ones aren't as cool even though they are the same). We decided after the over spending last year on stuff that the girls didn't need that we would limit gifts this year to one present from everyone, so Gabby will get a present from us, Bella and the big guy in a red suit. I'm hoping I can keep to this as all the shopping is done for everyone (except Ryan and Chad), as I want to focus on the real reason of Christmas, continuing traditions and enjoying moments instead of stressing over presents they don't need.

I have been enjoying extra snuggles lately as I was reminded of how short life can be. Our small group pastor's wife past away after a huge battle with cancer. She had been in remission for quite awhile, but the cancer came back over the summer and last week she finally met our Savior. She had a 16 year old daughter and they were definitely best friends. Bonnie was a fantastic mom (and Juno a great dad) because McKenzie is amazing. I had only met Bonnie once at the silent auction mom and I helped with to raise money for her and she was just a person people gravitated too...she was a light and had a fondness with Ryan. Anyway, thinking of all she will miss as McKenzie graduates and gets married and has kids it's so sad. So even though Bella and Gabby have both been trying to stay up later but I've been holding Gabby longer and giving into Bella's attempts to stay up "Mommy I want a big hug, now a baby hug, big kiss, baby kiss, Eskimo kiss and butterfly kiss". The funeral is tomorrow and trying to explain that McKenzie's mom is in heaven to a 3 year old is quite challenging with all the "whys" but not having any answers.

Well I'm headed to bed.


The Vaughters said...

Hey Jen! Oh, your girls are so cute and Gabby is getting so big! Mia wants the big package of Barbies from Target for Christmas, too! How hilarious. I love the story of Bella and your purse. Priceless! :)

Ryan & Rose said...

Hey Jen - can't wait to see the Thanksgiving pictures from Ohio. It's just crazy how fast they grow up! I tried texting you last Wed. to get the girls' sizes - will you be in the midwest again in December or are the Newell's headed to AZ at all? Hope you're getting back into the swing of things now that you're home!