Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Drawing Tigers and Sharks

Bella seems to be blossoming everyday...and I LOVE watching her grow and learn. Besides her new fondness of making up stories, she has started connecting her drawing/coloring with actual objects. The other day at the ENT's office they have a giant chalkboard. Waiting for over an hour gave her lots of time to play. She was so intense and drew a rectangle and then a square inside of it. I was pretty impressed since all of her previous drawings were just lines and circles all over the place. Then she made a tiger with stripes. She added eyes, ears, tail and stripes. It looked more like a bug but she was so detailed with creating this tiger. Today when I picked her up from school she had drawn a shark and fish. She was so excited to tell me all about her picture (two ovals with dots in them).

Tonight when we were working on letters she says out of the blue, "Mom I have a great idea" and then ran and got a different marker to write with, then would say again "Mom I have another idea" and would go and get another pen. After she did her letter "L" she wanted me to help her with the letter "T" and eventually just wanted me to do the first page. When I was done she said "Awesome. Good Job Mommy. Okay my turn" She's such a great little cheerleader.

Gabby is such a cuddle bug. Tonight I told her to tell Bella good night, so she ran up to her and tackled her to the ground and just laid on the biggest snuggle and kiss. Bella was trying to get up but Gabby had her pinned and just kept hugging her. It was the cutest thing and I couldn't get to my camera fast enough (actually I didn't think there was any angle I could get to capture that moment, so I just enjoyed the moment).

Poor baby seems to react to antibiotics. She had 3 blow out diapers yesterday at when I went to pick her up they had put on a spare outfit. It was a yellow striped ducky romper...but was a 3/6 month size, well Gabby is in 24 months. I don't even know how they got this thing snapped...but it was so funny. When I picked her up today...she had only one blow out (apparently it was huge though) but her poor bottom is so red from a rash...but the first thing she said was "poop" and pointed to her bottom. It was so pitiful.


Bonnie Newell said...

Love the stories about the girls. Can't wait to hug and snuggle them myself in a few weeks. Granna