So we aren't sure what's going on with Bella. We don't know if she's just being 2 or if my surgery and getting out of a routine has just thrown her. Dad said two year olds go through highs and I'm hoping this will pass soon. This past week she had 6 accidents. She hasn't had an accident since she started potty training. So I feel like we are back to almost the beginning. Yesterday and today were better so we'll see at school she's great it's just at home. Needless to say we are back to pull ups and am not sure how the trip to Ohio this week will affect her. I know she'll have a blast but it could also be interesting with the tantrums she's been throwing...worse than ever before. Yesterday I asked her if she wanted pancakes and she said no she wanted cereal so she sat down and was eating her cereal. Then Joel came in and said he was going to have pancakes anyway and she starting sobbing that she wanted pancakes too. It was like her whole world was crushed...and no one ever said she couldn't have them so we got her calmed down and she ate pancakes with daddy. That's just an example. Besides the tantrums she is nuts...she's into singing and dancing more than usual! She has to help with EVERYTHING...which is another hard point because she gets frustrated when she can't do it. BUT she still keeps us laughing through it all. She has been super cuddly lately and I'm not sure if it's because I can't pick her up for a few more weeks (although I have picked her up in the midst of her peeing on the floor a few times or in the middle of a tantrum), but when I'm sitting she always has to be on my lap and reading stories she just lays on me and hugs me. So here are some pictures and videos from the week...
Bella walking in my shoes. She is like me when I was little...I used to put an ace wrap on every little ouchy...bella loves band-aids. She has to wear one every day (abover her left knee in the picture) and she has no ouchy but she thinks she does...or if she runs into something or falls she says she needs her ice packs from the freezer. She has also gotten really cuddly with Cosmo. That started after we put up the tree and we were talking about Zona when we put her ornament up. She's been covering Cosmo with her blankets and then sitting and patting him to sleep. The other night she had 3 blankets, a pillow and her teddy for Cosmo. Poor guy must have been roasting under all that.
Last night she also made up a new song. She did it with everyone's name although the video only has a the time I got the camera she was on the tail end of it.
Hope everyone has a great week...and we can't wait to see everyone in Indy and Ohio this weekend. Every time we say we need to pack that for Ohio, Bella starts in with spelling O-H-I-O. Her first words she can spell...daddy is so proud.
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