Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gabby 3 month pics

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

giggles and our crazy life

I figured I'd better play catch up since we have an exciting rest of the week we'll have to blog about. Tomorrow Gabby gets her 3 month pictures taken and then we are off to San Diego for the weekend...we are winging this vacation (which is hard for us planners) but I've learned it's better to go with the flow when two little ones are involved.

So here are some pictures and videos from the past few weeks. I love how Joel was reading to Bella the other day...but it is amazing that we can have that much laundry (that pile was ready to be folded minus two loads that were finishing)!
Thanks to Granna, the girls got Dr Seuss outfits "Thing 1"and "Thing 2". It was hard to get a picture with the words, but more importantly Gabby's is a 9 month onesie and it fit her.
This is Gabby's Michael Jordan's impression - she has her arms out like she flying and she's sticking her tongue out!
This picture represents a typical morning at our house during the week. I figured out why it takes me 2-3 hours to get dressed and out of the house. I love cherishing all these little moments with the girls so it takes awhile. So last week, Bella was being so sweet. She helped me feed Gabby and held her hand and sang to her while she was eating. Then she started playing mommy with Teddy and Giraffe. Teddy had to be in the car seat and Giraffe had to swing. Mind you Bella is dressed for school minus the shoes, so I figure I can go change we can be off (we left an hour later and all I did was change my clothes and brush my teeth). Anyway after I get dressed Bella comes walking in only in a diaper. I brush my teeth and Bella wanders back in but this time with Gabby's Dr Seuss onesie on like a diaper. I then come out and she has put on her nightgown upside down and inside out - yes through her feet (see video below). Finally we are all dressed and I am trying to get the diaper bag ready and all of Bella's stuff for school - Gabby was in the car seat and starting to cry...Bella comes pouncing down the hall - "Mama Mama" she said. I said why are you screaming my name and she replied "Mama let's go". I guess she didn't want to hear Gabby fuss anymore.

Bella is all about loving on Gabby.
We found some Ohio State shoes we had gotten awhile ago so we decided Gabby better wear them before she outgrows them.
Bella and shoes...she now walks around in my heels...and put Joel's dress shoes on the other day.
I broke down and bought Gabby a Bumbo. She's so chunky I don't know how long she'll last in it.
Now to our exciting videos. Gabby is giggling and is really ticklish; however, Joel can get her going with just noises.

This was Bella being sweet with Gabby the other day

So listening to the radio the other day on the way home...Bella picked up a new word "Booty". Also notice all her ponytails...the teachers love to play with her hair....probably because most of the kids in her class still don't have very much.

This ones a little dark, but tonight Bella decided she was going to drive.

Finally - Bella changing into her nightgown - please notice the onesie she already has on!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gabby lives up to her middle name.

Typically we talk about all of Bella's antics...but we are going to start out with Gabby this time...don't worry Bella will be next. Anyway, Gabby is such a JOY that she is living up to her name! She could be the happiest baby ever. Bella was a great baby, but Gabby is even more laid back and so happy all the time. She gives the biggest smiles and her chubby cheeks and rolls make me just want to snuggle her forever. I can't believe next week she will be 3 months. I packed away all her 3 month clothes two weeks ago and we are now into her 6 month outfits! She is sleeping through the night (almost) she'll go down about 9 and sleep until about 3 or 4 (if I give her a nuk she'll sleep 2 more hours). She loves exploring her world and LOVES her big sister. I think she smiles the most when she sees Bella. She's so peaceful when she sleeps. I work at night in her room and just find myself staring at her at 1 am in amazement. She is drooling like crazy so I'm thinking she's going to be like Bella and have teeth at 4 months. She is cooing which I love and stares at the fan, the fish on her swing and the animals on her mobile and her light up star on her einstein mat (which Bella loved too). Well here is our little JOY...grinning with all her might.
So last Friday was water day at Bella's day care. She of course had such a blast. Some kids just stood there...Bella was running around and was funny.

Then I picked her up and we headed to Papa and Nana's house to see Uncle Chad and Aunt Steph's new puppy...I thought Bella would love the puppy but she was more annoyed that Emme kept grabbing her broom while she was trying to sweep the grass!
Then Sunday we got to spend time with the Hodges...I know I'm a little late in posting since Brent and Jess got their pictures up that night...what can I say. Anyway here's Mason with Gabby
Then Mase and Bella went out and played in the sandbox. Bella wanted nothing to do with the sand at first, so I'm thinking in my mind what a great trip we'll when we go to San Diego in a few weeks; however....
she finally got in and loved the feel of the sand between her toes. I can't wait to play with her on the beach in two weeks!!! We had such a great time with Brent and Jess and we can't wait until Cash gets here in a few months!!
So even though Gabby is so smiley...she also gives a great big frown when she's hungry. I've been trying to get a picture of it, but this is as close as I've gotten.
Cosmo is getting pretty old and slow these days...he is 13. I think Bella felt sorry for him since we got home the other night and she gave him a pillow and a blanket and then rubbed his back!
Gabby was so cute in her sundress the other day...the flip flops were a little big but I still had to get a picture.
So after taking so many pictures...I got this face...which reminded me of...
this one...Bella gave the same face when I took a bunch of pictures of her at 2 1/2 months too.
Anyway back to our smiley girl.
I don't know where Bella gets the need to clean everything...yesterday she decided to clean Gabby and wiped her head with a towel and then moved on to wiping the couch down.

Bella has been such a talker lately...of course the favorite word is yellow right now (it used to be purple), but she's starting to combine words and I'm able to figure out what she's saying better. Anyway, I bought her a new stool that has two steps so she can reach the sink...and look at herself, she is quite the drama queen. She makes faces and even fake cries to see what she looks is so funny! she is just chatting away.

Gabby is starting notice the world around her. Yesterday in her bouncer she was concentrating so hard on the animals. She would bounce and they would move and her eyes were so focused. Don't worry she's not foaming at the mouth...just a lot of spit bubbles and drool!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, August 04, 2008

funny videos

Two kids is a roller coaster of emotions...there is so much to describe but it is hard to put into words. At moments I want 10 more because they are so fun, amazing, little miracles...but then in a split second it's hard to hand two. Bella has been going through her Jekyll and Hyde stage. In an instance she can be either one and when Ms Hyde comes out it is a whole new ballgame. For the most part she is so good with Gabby and keeps us laughing most of the time, but she has a little streak in her and she has the meanest little faces that I almost think daggers might come out of her eyes when you tell her no. She also started to fake cry last night, which was always seems to be something new. Gabby is so laid back (thank you Lord)...I think it's because she knows mommy would have to be committed if she was a fussy baby. She just goes along and sleeps or plays. The only time she fusses is when she's hungry or overly tired or cold. I feel blessed to have such amazing little girls. Watching them together is so fun...I love when the three of us snuggle or play. Well that was a lot of rambling that probably didn't make much here are some pictures and videos....

Gabby loves being snuggled in blankets. I love how she is holding the edge of this one.
Gabby loves Bella...anytime Bella is around she starts smiling....could be because she has a silly sister. Gabby sunbathing once was only 112 that day! Good thing she's like her mommy...who loves the heat.
Saturday snuggle session
On Friday I took Bella swimming with Papa was the longest she stayed in the pool and we had so much fun. Papa and Nana got two new friends for the house...Mowgli and Houdini
Thursday night we painted Bella's toes
Now onto a few recent videos. Here is Bella (okay me) singing If you're happy and you know it...

Dancing in mommy's shoes.

And we couldn't leave Gabby she is talking.