Sunday, June 08, 2008

What a week

Needless to say I haven't gotten much sleep since Wednesday. Even trying to nap is hard since I just keep waiting for Zona to jump up into bed and snuggle with me...which then leads to me thinking about how much I miss her which leads to more crying. Cosmo also gave us a scare on Friday when Joel and I realized we hadn't filled his food bowl since Wednesday. Luckily by Friday night he was eating again...but I was regretting heading back to the vet with him. It's been a roller coaster of emotions since this is such a joyous time with Gabby and Bella.

Well onto happier moments of the week. Gabby had another check up to make sure she was gaining weight...the assistant asked me if I thought she had started putting on weight and I said yes, since she has gained a double chin from the previous week...she's going to be chunky like Bella was. She had gained 12 oz from the previous week and weighed 7 lbs 14.5 oz on Thursday. The doctor said she had the feeding thing figured out...just like her daddy!

It is so strange looking at Gabby and seeing Bella as a baby. Joel was laying on the ground with her last night and I kept having flashbacks of him laying on the floor with's so deja vu. When I was holding her last night I looked at the wall that had Bella's 6 week old pictures and they look exactly like Gabby minus her hair being longer. Here's a picture of Bella at about 2 weeks... And here is Gabby. They even sleep the same.
After bath time we noticed how curly Gabby's hair gets...Bella's never was curly until I brushed it out and it turned into a nice little fro.
Just checking things out from her chair.
I love her feet and when she stretches out.

She loves tummy times and is so strong already. She lifts her head and turns it from side to side...she even gets her legs moving like she wants to crawl.

Bella decided she wanted to lay down like Gabby. We've had a few instances where Bella wanted to be the "baby" instead of Gabby...but she's getting better with her.
I love this one of her smiling... she makes the best faces...usually when she's sleeping she's so happy and smiles a lot.

Bella decided to help with the laundry...and by that I mean throw all the clean clothes on the floor and then walk all over them. Bella is always the helper when it comes to giving Gabby her "Nu Nu". Friday we were driving home from picking Bella up (pretty close to eating time for Gabby) and Gabby started to cry...Bella kept saying Nu Mom give her the Nu Nu it's what she wants...too bad I couldn't reach her while I was driving. Then today we went out for hamburgers for Papa T's birthday and Gabby spit out her nuk...Bella goes "uh oh"...I said "what is uh oh"...and she replied..."she dropped her nu nu" (Bella's first sentence).


The Hodges Family said...

JEN...i can't believe how much bella and gabby look alike!!! as babies anyway! :) they're both such beautiful girls! we're looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night and meeting the little one! we'll call you when we're on our way! we can't wait! love you guys! jess

Bonnie Newell said...

Can't wait to hug the girls in a few days! I love playing the video of Gabby moving on the blanket and Bella is such a "helper" isn't she?