We've come a long way in a week. As you can tell by the video, Bella has become a little closer to Gabby. Since Daddy was gone in Indiana this weekend, she had plenty of time to spend with Gabby and Nana. Although she still has her moments, she worries about where the Baby is and wants to help feed her and give her blankets and her "nu nu" (pacifier/nuk).
Thursday was a trial run to see how life would be when daddy went back to work. Well, it didn't start out that great...after Bella had her breakfast it was time to feed Gabby. This was the first time the three of us had been alone...and Bella decided that she had to have my undivided attention...so she got on top of the ottoman and started to stand on it (which she knows she is not allowed to do). I precede to tell her to sit down and started to count after I got to one...she finished my sentence with a loud "two, three" and then started dancing. This of course led to my fear of her slipping...which she did and landed on her head. I saw her neck go sideways and time seemed to stop. I laid Gabby down and ran over to her. Luckily she was fine and was just shaken up and was crying...then of course Gabby was crying because I had taken her bottle away when I laid her down. We finally got everyone calmed down and in the car (another experience with two kids and all the stuff you have to bring with you) and off to school. Bella did pretty good dropping her off until the other kids wanted to see the baby...and she got very protective of her sister...and then cried when we had to leave to go spend time with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Shotton at Nana's house...where mommy got a nap! It was an interesting morning...I'm hoping this week will go better!I love this picture with Gabby holding Uncle Ry-Ry's finger.
Friday night Nana, Papa & Ry Ry came over and we had pizza...of course Bella didn't wants her cut up but has to eat like an adult now. She also entertained all of us playing peek-a-boo with everyone and dancing around being silly.
Saturday we got out the pool and went swimming.
This morning Nana came to take Bella to church. She had on her princess dress and jelly shoes...and of course had to bring her new baby along, since Baby Gabby was sleeping and couldn't go with her.
Daddy came home early today from Indy...and even though he was exhausted he loved hanging out with his girls.
Gabby even got in a little tummy time tonight.
7 years ago
Can't wait to give hugs in person to those little girls. I love Bella's laugh.
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