Well today was the start of many changes. Last night the girls laid out their clothes and knew they had to get up early....well Mommy had to get up early they already wake up at the crack of dawn. The girls said their prayers and Bella's prayer was so amazing..."God please be with me tomorrow. Watch over me. I am scared but know you will be there." It was so grown up to hear her ask for God to watch over her.
So it was no surprise when Gabby came in at 5:45 half dressed and wanting the tag cut off her sparkly new skirt. The girls got dressed and Daddy made their breakfast and Bella's lunch. Gabby wanted hair like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. I took pictures of the girls outside then we woke Jeremiah up and changed his diaper and stuck him in the car with a waffle. I dropped him and Gabby off at Nana's and took Bella to school. I thought I could sneak in a photo of her on the playground, but she rolled her eyes and gave me a look like "come on mom really?". She obliged but the embarrassing parent eye roll already has started in Kindergarten. We found the frog balloon and her line and she put her backpack down. She went to the play ground and played for a bit. She looked a little lost and nervous. The bell rang and she got in line with the rest of the kids. She was so quiet and just looking around and taking it in. She seemed more nervous but I'm sure part of chaos is all the parents that were there and kids were crying. Mrs. Asta, her teacher, took the kids to the class and we waved good-bye. I was so proud of how brave she was.
I picked Gabby and Jeremiah up and headed for Tutor Time. We got there right when they were bringing her new class down. She was so excited and just marched around like she owned the place. We dropped her off and then Jeremiah was last.
I went to work but couldn't seem to focus. I kept wondering what Bella was doing and how Gabby was doing in her class. I seemed to watch the clock all day thinking about her eating lunch in the cafeteria for the first time and then going to recess (and what would happen to her lunch box). Then it was 2:40 and I knew she should be getting on the bus. I prayed for her safety. I prayed for her to find friends. I prayed for her to be brave and to believe in herself.
At 3:00 I headed to pick the girls up. Nana met me there with Hello Kitty suckers. Bella's bus hadn't arrived yet, but Erin told us that they had moved Jeremiah up that morning to the toddler room and he was loving it. Alot more room to walk and new things to climb on. Gabby kept peeking out of her door waiting for Bella. Erin said Gabby had asked where Bella was when the first bus arrived. Erin said her lip started to quiver when they told her Bella wasn't on it, but quickly reassured her that she would be there soon.
When the bus pulled in Gabby could see Bella through the bus window. She got so excited "there she is, I saw her in the bus". I took the girls for frozen yogurt so I could hear about their day. Bella grabbed Gabby's hand as we walked to the store. Bella said she had made friends with all the girls but could only remember one of their names was Savannah and there were alot of other Bella's in the class, so she would have to go by Bella N (makes me think of when Chad always called himself "Chad T"). She hadn't finished her lunch but ate the rest on the bus. Her shoes were full of sand from the playground. They had also had computer lab and worked on reading. She also said daddy had made the best lunch because everyone wanted what she had to eat (PB&J, Strawberries, Carrots, Chips and a few cookies). By the time all the yogurt was eaten both girls looked like they were going to fall asleep, so we opted for no swim lessons and headed to the mall instead to get Gabby a backpack. After the mall we pick up Jeremiah and Gabby fell asleep.
Once we got home and had dinner and baths everyone went to bed early. I am thankful Bella had a great day. I am thankful the girls are so close and even though they fight they would do anything for each other. I am thankful for our little man who just loves to learn and explore. He was so happy when I picked him up and asked him if he was in the big class...he got the biggest grin on his face and got this elated expression on his face that if he could talk he would have shared all his exciting new things he got to do too.
Well tomorrow is Day Two!
7 years ago
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