Gabby had a pretty low key birthday since we went to Disneyland to celebrate. She is 39 pounds and 39 1/2 "...or square. Since it decided to cool off we just took the bouncy over to Papa and Nana's house. Pappa and Granna came to visit. The kids all bounced while Joel grilled out. She has been on a Minnie Mouse kick since Disneyland and wanted Minnie Mouse plates and napkins for the girls and Mickey for the boys. She even told Papa T he was using the wrong napkin when he grabbed a Minnie one. She has become quite the negotiator. She is smart...too smart...and remembers everything. She is quick to point out the "correct" way and her teachers say she's a great helper to clean up ...and keep the other kids in line. She apparently bosses them around with the rules of the class. She is so funny and wants to be called something different everyday. This morning it was lemon pie and then Gabster. She's been calling Jeremiah "booger". She loves to play with her dolls and play teacher. We love her so much.
She loved Bella's present - the new princess Merida doll
Jeremiah just loved the balloons.
We went bowling with Granna and Pappa. The girls had so much fun. Gabby was hilarious and dancing around every time it was her turn.
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