Friday, June 29, 2012

Gabby's 4 year pics

I must just be on a roll tonight catching up, but maybe I'm just freaking out that this year is half way over. Jeremiah turns 1 next week and Bella starts Kindergarten in about 5 really just blows my mind that we are at this point already. Anyway here is our spunky beautiful Gabriella...

Dback game

Jeremiah went to his first d-backs game in style. Nana got a suite to celebrate Father's Day and Papa's birthday. The D-backs won. After the game Joel took the girls down the field to run the bases.

9 years

It's hard to believe that we've been married 9 years. We had a little staycation last weekend going up to the boulders. Joel went golfing and I had a great massage. We laid out and took a wonderful 3 hour nap! It was a beautiful resort, but my favorite part was all the cottontail bunnies that came out at sunset. It was nice to actually be able to talk and relax without having kids interupt us or pull on us.

A big visit from the tooth fairy

Bella lost two teeth the other day. She lost one at school and Joel pulled the 2nd one. She has now lost seven teeth. She wrote a letter to the tooth fairy..."I love you tooth fairy. I lost 2 teeth. Can you give me a stuffed bear from brave and 100 dollars." When she saw Nana the next day, Nana asked what the tooth fairy brought her. She replied "a dollar with a five on it"

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Playing Siblings

I have to say for the most part the kids play really well together. There are obviously times of tattling and she hit me first or she stole my toy, but for the most part the girls love playing with Jeremiah and each other and he of course would follow them anywhere. Here's a few of what's been going on around our house.... 

The little man loves rolling his cars around and playing catch...he says "ca-ch" and "duc" for his ducks in the bath.

Painting...the girls always love art or "craps" as Gabby calls it.

They usually play teacher with the babies, but lately they've been playing airplane. Jeremiah even got to go on the trip to "Peach Land" the other day.

Jeremiah has out grown his car seat and while we were at it Gabby got a new one too. After Bella's use and Gabby's it was pretty gross. I can't believe Jeremiah out grew one car seat already, but Gabby was pretty excited that she gets to use the seat belt now. Anyway, the boxes turned into great fun for the little man. He was on top, inside all over these having a great time.

Jeremiah has also started to stand up. It started the weekend of Gabby's birthday. He crawled over to me, stood up and then just let go. So he's been standing up and he'll get up on his knees and hop up. Today I picked him up and they asked if he'd been standing long. I said a few weeks, then they asked if he was shuffling his feet and I said oh no...he's going to walk soon. He's got great balance and will shake his arms all over the place when standing, so I know it's around the corner...he's such a big boy.

Gabby's 4th Birthday

Gabby had a pretty low key birthday since we went to Disneyland to celebrate. She is 39 pounds and 39 1/2 "...or square. Since it decided to cool off we just took the bouncy over to Papa and Nana's house. Pappa and Granna came to visit. The kids all bounced while Joel grilled out. She has been on a Minnie Mouse kick since Disneyland and wanted Minnie Mouse plates and napkins for the girls and Mickey for the boys. She even told Papa T he was using the wrong napkin when he grabbed a Minnie one. She has become quite the negotiator. She is smart...too smart...and remembers everything. She is quick to point out the "correct" way and her teachers say she's a great helper to clean up ...and keep the other kids in line. She apparently bosses them around with the rules of the class. She is so funny and wants to be called something different everyday. This morning it was lemon pie and then Gabster. She's been calling Jeremiah "booger". She loves to play with her dolls and play teacher. We love her so much.

She loved Bella's present - the new princess Merida doll

Jeremiah just loved the balloons.

We went bowling with Granna and Pappa. The girls had so much fun. Gabby was hilarious and dancing around every time it was her turn.