Saturday, March 03, 2012

Spring Soccer

We finished Game 3 today of spring soccer. We can't believe how fantastic the girls are doing. Bella is a scoring machine. Her first game she scored 6 goals, three were scored by her changing feet right at the last moment for it to go in. I am amazed at her footwork and how well she is controlling the ball with the inside and outside of her feet. Last week she scored 4 and today she made 2 goals. Gabby is our little hustler (most of the time). This team is a little more rough than last season so I think she's a little timid since she gets bumped around by the boys a little more on her team. She seems to be more focused on the snacks than the game. She finally scored a goal today so hopefully that will boost her confidence a little.This is Gabby's friend Addison. Addison's dad, Jamison, coaches both of our girls. Kendall is on Bella's team so it's nice the girls get to play and hang out while their siblings are playing.