Monday, March 12, 2012

A bit of rambling

So I feel like my mind is going a million places at once, so excuse the ramblings but I wanted to jot some things down.

So the little man just amazes me. He starts crawling and then that night he learns to sit. A week later (now) he wants to pull up on everything he can get his hands on. He uses people, toys, couches and tonight he used the handles on the dressers. His favorite seems to be to pull up on jungle toy. He tried to "walk" across from one end to the other and let go for a second. With adventure come a few bumps and bruises. I think he's also growing again...crazy I know, but he slept for 6 hours yesterday for naps and then ate an extra bowl of cereal, extra food and and extra bottle today. He's also getting a top tooth and has figured out puffs finally and LOVES them. He's great at just picking them up with his fingers but also loves to just shove a handful in there. He's just a busy little man.

Bella has three loose teeth. The girls had dental appointments last week and they were fantastic. Gabby is so funny about brushing her teeth in small circles now. I look at Bella sometimes and can't believe how tall she is and how grown up she seems even though she is five. She has moved on from being a hair stylist and now wants to be an artist. She loves to write things we spell out for her. I am amazed of how great she is at soccer. She has started to perfect her defense and will take a few steps back and try and anticipate which direction they are going and she'll steal the ball or protect the goal. She tries to pass, but I think the girls need to figure that out still. They are used to just taking the ball down on their own. Bella has a knack for crack her little brother up. She'll make noises and he just laughs and laughs at her.

Gabby is just our little sassy spit fire. She talks so grown up she cracks us up. The other morning I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she replied, "well what are my options". I'm not sure how she is as clumsy as she is. Yesterday she was sitting in time out and I took her a Kleenex. I grab the Kleenex and turn and she starts crying because she whacked her chin on the ground and got a nice bruise from it. Tonight she fell out of the truck when she got out. I don't even know how that happens. She has become quite a cuddle bug in the mornings. I booked the hotel and made reservations for a princess breakfast for her birthday. I may be more excited than the girls. I am looking forward to Cancun in 6 weeks and Disneyland a few weeks after.

In the meantime we have Easter and Bella has surgery to patch the hole in her ear where the tube was. We are praying it is healed and she won't have to have a 3rd surgery. I am also praying that Jeremiah won't have any more ear infections. Even with tubes he seems to finish antibiotics and the next day his ear starts draining again. He's happy but I'm ready for the snot to be over. It's now in the 80s so hopefully the warm weather will start to get rid of this stuff.