Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ear Infections

So it finally feels like winter and with that comes sick season. UGH! It started with Jeremiah getting an ear infection 2 weeks ago, then Bella got sick, then Gabby had a double ear infection, and now Jeremiah is on round two of antibiotics since his left ear is still infected. Luckily he didn't really get a fever or as sick as the girls, but both Bella and Gabby had a low fever that wouldn't go away for three days. The girls seem to be great...fingers crossed they will stay that way since they have their first dance recital tonight.

Gabby loves to snuggle with Jeremiah and doesn't really mind that he pulls her hair.Jeremiah partaking in a tea party with BellaThe big man has started solids. So far so good. He doesn't eat a lot but really likes peas, squash and green beans. Cereal and Oatmeal are okay and carrot are really the only thing he didn't like, but you have to time it just right. He's working on some teeth on top of being sick. He is such a good baby. We had a few nights where he woke up a few times, but all in all we are lucky and he's so happy. When we went into the peds office today to have his wheezing looked at, he weighed in at 18 pounds and 12 ounces. He is so big...his nickname at school is BEAR which seems appropriate on many levels. He is almost to sit by himself. He'll last a few seconds on his own, but then gets excited and flys back. He loves to roll from his back to his tummy, but still can't get back over. He does lift his stomach off the ground and can turn himself around. He always ends up in a different place on the floor. He can scoot himself backwards and once he figures out how to crawl there will be no stopping him. He loves his dragonfly toy, but his hands and feet seem to be the most fascinating. He'll just stare at them or anyone elses. He still squeals more than giggles. My most favorite part of the day is when he snuggles in while I'm rocking him. I know he'll be too big soon, but for now I'm loving it.
We are having a lot of fun doing holiday crafts and baking. It's a full month, but it was nice to have this week off to spend time with the girls. I know next year when Bella is in school we won't be able to do this. More to come...hopefully more timely :)


The Vaughters said...

Can't believe how big he's gotten! So darn cute they all are!