Monday, December 14, 2009

Visiting Santa

This picture pretty much sums up our trip to visit Santa this year. We got the girls dressed up in their matching pjs and gingerbread men shoes...curled their hair and headed to Scottsdale where the Santa is always plump and jolly. It of course took almost 3 hours to get out of the house but we got there and we were in luck with no line! We got Gabby out of the stroller thinking she would warm up to the strangers around her. Bella was excited to tell Santa she wanted gum for Christmas...and Gabby was asking for an Elmo. It was our turn and Bella just walked right up and starting asking for gum...Gabby was more into the girl helpers than going up to Santa so while I tried to steer Gabby in the direction of Santa, Santa proceeded to tell Bella she couldn't get any gum...well at that point Bella was done with Santa and ready to go. (Why on earth would Santa tell a child they couldn't have what they asked for?) He tried to explain that if he had gum it would get in his beard and all over his suit and we kept trying to explain that was what she was asking for as a present. (I'm sure no has ever asked him for gum before but roll with it). We finally got Bella back up next to him promising her gum when we got home and a treat in the mall...and she just sat there mad...then Gabby was just screaming and crying. It was actually the classic kid picture and was funny. We tried everything to get her to sit with him (cell phone, snacks, etc). Nana finally held her and we got another one with no tears, but no smiles either. Here's hoping to next year.