Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pictures and Gabby's 18 months

Last weekend we had family pictures and I did Bella's 3 year and Gabs 18 months. They went better than expected. Bella of course was a ham in front of the camera and Gabby loved the rocking chair and when we took it away she kept running and finding it, so we gave her the next best thing...Joel's blackberry with Beyonce' singing. So Gabby went crazy dancing everywhere and people were cracking up at her. Her pictures were just so perfect because it just captured her perfectly.

I still can't believe Gabby is a year and a half. Bella is still center of her world. She LOVES her big sister and mimics her every was so cute watching her chase Bella and Dean around the yard at Thanksgiving. She was going to keep up with the big kids. I love watching her figure things out. She hasn't mastered eating with silverware but she now gets upset when she can't get the food on the fork/spoon and is barely using her fingers anymore. She is still a chatterbox and I can't even count how many words she knows...her verbal skills continue to amaze us. Nana watched her today and she asked for an apple she saw on the counter, so Nana asked her if she wanted to eat it and she replied "I do". Since she's so verbal she didn't go through the tantrum/frustration stage as bad as Bella did. She still throws a fit every once and awhile, but we know exactly why she's mad (usually because we told her no) where sometimes Bella would just make noises and we had no idea what she was trying to say or wanted. Gabby is also quite the love bug. Bella likes to snuggle but Gabby lays on the big hugs and kisses all the time. She just wraps her arms around our shoulders and squeezes or runs up and buries her head in our chest. She loves to play chase, look at books, color, sing and dance of course. The other day driving home she kept singing the baby bumblebee song...she sings along to everything even if she's never heard it before. She is so funny...she even cracks herself up and just giggles...over the littlest thing. She has started tickling everyone's toes and goes around saying "tickle tickle". Oh I could go on and on...she's just so funny.