Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My girls make me so happy...

Just look at them...when I've had a hard day all I have to do is look at the blog and their cute little faces.

We finally got the suitcases put away, but while they were in the hall Bella thought it was a great place to make a bed. Gabby would just climb up and down them.
We had the office pool party/picnic last weekend, so I got Gabby dressed up with her funky glasses. She is getting quite the personality. She hands things to you...tries to feed you and just starts cracking up when she gets in your mouth.

After church Bella wanted to feed Gabby...they were having fun
Once we put Gabby down for a nap we went outside to water flowers
and twirl
Gabby was so cute snuggling with Bella's baby the other day...she is such a love bug
She did her first finger painting yesterdayWe faced her forward...yes she is enjoying what else, but Mama Mia
Since Great-Grandpa is in the hospital with a staff infection (please pray), we've been hanging out with Great-Grandma. Bella had a sword fight yesterday... and a tea party...
and played piano and sang songs with Great-Grandma

Three days until Gabby turns ONE! Bella can't wait to help her open presents, especially the "big ones".


Bonnie Newell said...

All the pictures are wonderful, but the one of Bella's hands and Great Grandma Shotton's hands at the piano is just priceless.