I know two post in one weekend that hasn't happened in a long time, but the events of today were too funny not to post and I feared I would forget them if I waited. So the girls and I headed over to Papa & Nana's house while Daddy was working today. Mom, Bella and I headed to the mall so Nana could get a few more things for their trip to Greece next week while Papa and Ry Rie watched Gabby. We started at Nordstroms since Nana had to return some things. While looking for shirts Bella said she had to potty, so I picked her up and headed to the bathroom. Along the way she said "Don't worry mommy I won't pee on you, I'll hold it". I said "Thank You" and then of course died laughing. Once we tried on some shirts and received Bella's approval and disapproval on some, we headed up stairs to eat at the cafe and look at the kids stuff. Bella picked out a bracelet and a cupcake charm to go on it. We then went to lunch where she enjoyed her pizza, fruit and lemon bar. Next was downstairs to the shoe department. Nordstroms was having their giant sale and Bella wasted no time throwing her shoes off and trying on every pair on the rack. She couldn't figure out why no of them match and she spent most of her time looking for the matching pairs. I tried to explain that once you found one you liked they had to get the pair from the back. After about 45 minutes of walking around in everything from sandals with giant flowers on them to 5 inch heels, Bella finally found what she thought was a match. She was so excited. They were actually two different purple Coach shoes with the same fabric but one was a 5 inch heel and the other was a platform sandal. Of course that didn't stop her from putting both on her feet and walking around lopsided. I took a picture with my phone but really have no idea how to get it from the phone to the computer. So after shoes we headed to make up. She did pretty good and ended up with free lip gloss since she won everyone over. We finally got out of Nordstroms and headed to find Gabby something for her 1 year pictures. After finding something at one of my favorite stores (Janie & Jack) we swung by Gymboree so I could get a pair of shorts that matched some tops I had bought Bella before. When we walked in they had the cutest Watermelon clothes on display. I headed to find the shorts and when I turned around Bella was naked in the corner changing her clothes into a watermelon outfit! She walked out of there with a tank top, skirt, bow, shoes and sunglasses...and red boots (we couldn't resist)! Nana was trying to help and Bella kept telling her what she wanted. It was too funny and she is definitely opinionated (wonder where that comes from). We called it a day after that and she fell asleep on the way back to Nana's.
Bella's outfit...Here are a few other pictures from before our trip to the mall...Papa and Gabby.
7 years ago
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