She is finally walking! We are no pro but can walk from one side of the room to the other as long as there is a bribe involved. She had her 1 year appointment and she was just shy of 24 lbs (85% still) and 29 1/4 inches (50% still). She's doing great and says quite a few words - hi (her favorite), mama, dada, bella, nana, ryry, gus gus (ryan's cat), dot dot dot (mama mia), boom boom (black eyed peas). She'll start going to daycare in a few weeks now that's she's walking so it will be nice to get work done before 1 am. The other big news of the week was Bella got her big girl bed. Mommy can actually lay down with her now. The first night was pretty rough but she got through it and now goes to sleep with all her friends. We finally got her toys put back tonight, so I'm hoping by the end of the week the house will be back to some sort of order.
Friday, May 29, 2009
She's Walking
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Adventures of a future shopaholic
I know two post in one weekend that hasn't happened in a long time, but the events of today were too funny not to post and I feared I would forget them if I waited. So the girls and I headed over to Papa & Nana's house while Daddy was working today. Mom, Bella and I headed to the mall so Nana could get a few more things for their trip to Greece next week while Papa and Ry Rie watched Gabby. We started at Nordstroms since Nana had to return some things. While looking for shirts Bella said she had to potty, so I picked her up and headed to the bathroom. Along the way she said "Don't worry mommy I won't pee on you, I'll hold it". I said "Thank You" and then of course died laughing. Once we tried on some shirts and received Bella's approval and disapproval on some, we headed up stairs to eat at the cafe and look at the kids stuff. Bella picked out a bracelet and a cupcake charm to go on it. We then went to lunch where she enjoyed her pizza, fruit and lemon bar. Next was downstairs to the shoe department. Nordstroms was having their giant sale and Bella wasted no time throwing her shoes off and trying on every pair on the rack. She couldn't figure out why no of them match and she spent most of her time looking for the matching pairs. I tried to explain that once you found one you liked they had to get the pair from the back. After about 45 minutes of walking around in everything from sandals with giant flowers on them to 5 inch heels, Bella finally found what she thought was a match. She was so excited. They were actually two different purple Coach shoes with the same fabric but one was a 5 inch heel and the other was a platform sandal. Of course that didn't stop her from putting both on her feet and walking around lopsided. I took a picture with my phone but really have no idea how to get it from the phone to the computer. So after shoes we headed to make up. She did pretty good and ended up with free lip gloss since she won everyone over. We finally got out of Nordstroms and headed to find Gabby something for her 1 year pictures. After finding something at one of my favorite stores (Janie & Jack) we swung by Gymboree so I could get a pair of shorts that matched some tops I had bought Bella before. When we walked in they had the cutest Watermelon clothes on display. I headed to find the shorts and when I turned around Bella was naked in the corner changing her clothes into a watermelon outfit! She walked out of there with a tank top, skirt, bow, shoes and sunglasses...and red boots (we couldn't resist)! Nana was trying to help and Bella kept telling her what she wanted. It was too funny and she is definitely opinionated (wonder where that comes from). We called it a day after that and she fell asleep on the way back to Nana's.
Bella's outfit...Here are a few other pictures from before our trip to the mall...Papa and Gabby.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gabby's Birthday and Pool Fun
Yesterday Gabby turned ONE! I can't believe a year has gone by. Her little personality is starting to shine through. She cracks us up. She climbs on everything especially her new chair and just flies off and gets up and does it again. I keep thinking she'll walk any day...she's so speedy holding onto anything and everything. She'll even hold on to just one finger and take off, but if she doesn't have anything she pause, look around, and then hit the floor and crawl to something she can hold onto. She also likes to bang her head on the couch, car seat, wall...and then she'll stop and start laughing. She also can pack away some food...for dinner she had 3 squares of pizza, oranges, animal crackers and a little popcorn. The other night she had 3 helpings of pasta and spinach. We had a great time with family and a few friends yesterday. The weather and water was perfect. She also made out with presents - college money, bling for the ears, wagon with canopy and cup holders, shopping cart, wagon with blocks, rocking pony, clothes, kitchen...just what we needed more stuff :) Thanks everyone for sharing Gabby's special day with us.
This morning we got a late start and missed first service so we played with Gabby's new blocks.
She was squealing at Bella...I wish I had a different angle (and a clip in Bella's hair)
Poor Gabby - Bella's toy - when getting ready for church Bella decided Gabby needed a makeover - she added a frog clip, a pack of Kleenex and then was doing her hair.
After church we headed back to Papa and Nana's pool.Bella's doing so well in swim lessons. Yesterday her teacher had her dip her head in to pick up rings...well today she went completely under to pick up the sticks.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My girls make me so happy...
Just look at them...when I've had a hard day all I have to do is look at the blog and their cute little faces.
We finally got the suitcases put away, but while they were in the hall Bella thought it was a great place to make a bed. Gabby would just climb up and down them. We had the office pool party/picnic last weekend, so I got Gabby dressed up with her funky glasses. She is getting quite the personality. She hands things to you...tries to feed you and just starts cracking up when she gets in your mouth.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Busy Weekend
We had a great weekend. Packing for the trip was funny. We were unpacking the Target bags and Bella found the snacks and every time she found one she'd coming running "Mommy I Looooove these" and then she'd find another one and say the same was really funny. By the time the Target bags were empty her arms were filled and her eyes were so excited. The girls were great on the ride there. Friday night Auntie and Uncle Shawn took the girls swimming. On Saturday we were glad to see Miriam graduate and show the girls around campus. At her party Bella enjoyed the cookie cake and even took a swipe when she thought no one was looking; however the icing was black and all over her mouth! She also found a lovely microphone and entertained us with a 10-15 minute song. I was in tears it was so funny. Every time I thought she was done she would start up again with more hand motions. Sunday we went to church and at the end of service the kids came into service and gave the mom's potted flowers (which we gifted over to Auntie). It was so cute seeing Gabby come in (being held) and bringing me flowers. I was surprised that we dropped her off in the nursery sound asleep and thought my pager would go off any moment when she woke up in a strange place with strange people around...but to my delight she was just hanging out. We then went to Olive Garden for early lunch and then to the hotel for a 40 minute nap. Finally we headed back to church for Newell family pictures. I wasn't sure how it would go with 5 kids, two that are just one and Bella, but it was pretty painless and fast. We then celebrated Gabby's birthday (a little early) with family and some friends. It took Gabby a few minutes to figure out the cake, but she soon destroyed it. Monday we had fun hanging out with Auntie and Uncle Shawn. We ate at Gene's Root beer and went over to the football field and played soccer and just had fun. The flight home was crazy. Bella was in rare form and one minute wanted me and the next wanted Joel. Had fun but am so glad we don't have any trips planned in the near future. Happy to be back into a routine.
On another note we started Gabby on milk and think she'll be bottle free by the end of the week. She's cruising all over and takes off when she has her walking toy. She'll take one step so I know it will be soon, but not sure if she'll figure it out by her real birthday next week.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Crazy Girls
Sunday we got to hang out with the Hodges. We had so much fun watching the 4 kids play. Here is Cash and Gabby.
Bella and Mase catching balloons
Four of the kids fishing
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Sorry it's taken me a week to get these up, but like usual things are crazy around here. Cabo was great - although relaxing doesn't really come to mind or the word vacation when looking back. Traveling with two little ones is a little different than sitting by the pool all day (wish I could have done that), but the girls had a blast and playing all day did wear them out by night time. Bella loved making sandcastles on the beach and jumping in the water. The water was too rough to actually get in, but we would lift her at the end of the wave and then drop her down into the water...although if we had let go...the current was still extremely strong she would have gone too. She also loved the pool; however, thought she could just swim with no help so it was a challenge to keep a hold on her. She's doing great in her swimming lessons but still has a long way to go before she can go on her own. Gabby loved playing (and eating) the sand. She loved splashing the water in the bucket we filled up and putting sand in it. She also loved the pool and know it won't take her long once she's in lessons next year. She had no desire to be in her floaty and wanted to be out doing ring-around-the-rosie or motorboat. We had to be careful because she loved dunking her head in the water on her own. Both girls loved "jumping" in from the side and going under...they were two little fish. Although they loved the beach and the pool we really only went down once a day in the morning...and didn't really care about staying long. By the time we left Gabby fell asleep on the way back to the room everyday.
Tuesday the boys went fishing and we hung out at the hotel. It was the first day the water got really rough and it didn't stop. Papa and Nana had made a trip to Wal-Mart, so the girls had plenty to do with play dough and bubbles...and of course we brought Mama Mia for an everyday sing-a-long (as a side note: one night when Bella was watching it on the computer it had ended and was back at the extra features menu which plays a song but then has a long pause. Bella was singing along and every time it would pause she would tap the computer and say come on and it would start again and she would start singing and then it would pause and she would tap again. It was so funny because she thought she was the one starting the music by tapping it instead of realizing it was just a pause and would start again without the tap or commentary from her).
Bella and Gabby both got deemed princesses by the bellmen and it made me laugh at how many compliments I got on how well behaved and wonderful the girls were (I just kept thinking you must have missed the tantrum a few minutes ago). Wednesday Ryan watched Gabby and the rest of us went to watch Chad and Steph parasail. Bella did great on the boat (except for the potty accident on my lap, but really where was she supposed to go).
Thursday we went and saw the dolphins. Chad, Steph and I got in and swam, danced and kissed them. We weren't sure but at the end they let Bella get in with Papa and Nana to pet one and get a picture. We were on the opposite side of the pool (which was freezing) so I headed over because our trainer had told me to go over and get her, but the lady on that side said it could only be with mom and dad (which made no sense anyway). Anyway as I headed over, Bella got so excited (and instead of listening to mommy not to run), she came running and hoping under the rope and fell back and hit her head...which lead to a bunch of crying. They were in a hurry before the next group so she was still shaken up when she got in the water so I think she was a little more afterwards Mom said Bella didn't like it, but when I asked Bella she was so excited she got to see one that close and kept talking about the dolphin..although you can tell by the pictures she was not enjoying it at the time. Then of course we hit the gift shop and came home with a little aquarium for Gabby and a pink dolphin (which has since been added to the friends in bed - Teddy, George, Pillow, Puppy, & Shamu) and dolphin purse for Bella, which she acquired pesos from papa and Ryrie.
Friday was our last pool day and the waves were probably about 7-8 feet. They were huge. There was no dunking the girls that morning, and after about 10 minutes Bella was ready for the pool. Saturday we came home. The girls did great on the plane. Bella watched Mama Mia and Gabby slept.
Other funny things that happened was that Bella started calling Gabby - Gaba. She is still doing it. When I called her Gaba this morning, Bella quickly corrected me that I was to call her Gabby and she was going to call her Gaba. Bella has become quite the talker. She starts when she wakes up and doesn't stop. She has increased her vocabulary so much it amazes me at the length of her sentences now. She also picked up on the Spanish very fast. By the end of the trip she was telling strangers hola without any prompting.
Of course Bella loved having everyone around and so did Gabby. One day her and Ryan got into a debate going back and forth. It was so funny and she was so serious. Ryan would say something like well I'm going to do something and Bella would reply that no she was going to do it plus something else...they went back and forth for about 10 minutes and then Ryan said something like when he was little he did such and such and Bella promptly told him that no he hadn't and that she had done that first before him...which made us all start laughing hysterically. We kept trying to think what Ryan had said in the end for her to reply that way but I think we were all laughing too hard to remember.
There were these great big jacuzzi tubs in all the rooms. One afternoon I thought it would be fun to have a giant bubble bath with the girls, so I put in the bubbles and turned on the jets. Well not much happened and Gabby was getting tired so I started to let the water out. Well the jets worked by a knob that turned and I couldn't get them turned off. So as the water got lower the jets sprayed more - which finally gave us bubbles, but at the same time was hitting the window with water and flooding the hotel floor. So I thought I'd put more water back in, but the water filled the tub through the jets which made it even worse. So I yell for dad who was cooking dinner in the other room, and he came in trying to turn them off. I was laughing so hard by that point - really what else could I do. Holding on to Gabby while Bella was trying to help get everything turned off. Luckily the the floor was all tile and we got it soaked up, but I wish someone had the video camera on because it was funny even if dad didn't think so.
Finally, Bella needed to be in a bubble wrap. Every day she hurt herself. I really don't know how we didn't end up going to the hospital at least once. Monday she was walking and completely missed the fact there were 4 stairs to go down to the sitting area in the room and she rolled down them not gracefully. Tuesday we were in the shower and she slipped and hit the seat with her back. Wednesday, she was getting out of the shower and I wrapped her in a towel and of course told her to stand still - which of course she started jumping around and fell and smacked her chin on the tile. It bruised instantly and I'm not sure how she didn't split her chin open. Thursday she slipped and hit her head at the dolphins. Friday was accident free, but Saturday morning it was Gabby's turn and she decided it would be fun to climb out of the high chair and fall onto the floor. I heard a thump, then Bella saying Gabby fell and then a little cry.
Okay I'm sure you can tell we had a great time and were entertained non-stop by both girls. Sorry this was so long, but I had to write down most of what I remembered so I can scrapbook it 20 years when I may have some extra time. I have a few other pictures of the girls from this week - Bella is into dancing with everyone especially Gaba! We head to Indy next weekend so I'll try and post them before then since I'll have a lot more after that from Autie's graduation and Gabby's party.