Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas - posting before it's January :)

I wanted to get Christmas pictures up before here you go...checking out presents under Papa and Nana's Tree Christmas Eve

Bella was so excited she kept pointing at every present.
Pushing her baby around
Putting cookies out for SantaOpening presents Christmas Morning
Gabby LOVED all the Hello Kitty Chap stick from Santa

Zoo Lights

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Cookies with LOTS of Sprinkles

This was so much fun this year. Saturday we made the cookies and today we decorated them...both girls LOVED doing it. Needless to say they both got showers when we were done.
Gabby loved mixing the dough

Gabby loved decorating the counter at first. Then she finally figured out to put the sprinkles on the cookies...she went a little crazy with the red ones.Bella insisted on having blue frosting for the cookies, so we bought her a little tube of blue...I think she put blue on every cookie she did.Gabby's hands were covered with red frosting and may take a few days for the dye to go away.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

70th Anniversary, Tree and Lights

I wanted to get some pictures up since it seems like we have had so much going on...and more to come. Last weekend we celebrated Grandpa & Grandma's 70th Anniversary and Christmas.

Gabby's getting so grown upBella looking at the pictures on Nana and Papa's treePlaying with the helicopters Papa boughtNo surprise that Gabby LOVED all the homemade Mexican food
We put our tree and lights up a few weekends ago. Gabby loved the ladder and helping daddyhanding Joel lightsGabby loved the box the tree came she climbed up and got inBella was so excited she got her camera and took a picture (really close)Bella loved putting the ornaments on...especially Zona and CosmosGabby couldn't figure out how to hang the ornaments so she would just shove them in the tree. When they fell down, she'd crawl under and get it and shove it in another location.She kept her Santa hat on the other night and was dancing around in her tutuenjoying the lights while wearing the pjs Granna made themI was bummed this picture was fuzzy...since Bella looked so cute with her hands on Gabby's shouldersSuch a snuggle bug
I just had to thrown these in of her playing peek-a-boo across the table the other cute.