Sunday, May 25, 2008

She's Here!!!

Well, it only took one day after my 37 week appointment for Gabriella Joy to join our family.
She was born at 8:27 pm on Friday, May 23rd.
She weighed 7 lbs & 10 oz
19 inches long
Papa T got to help deliver her and daddy cut the cord. So far she's been a great eater and loves to sleep and cuddle. She has blue eyes and dark hair (lots of it - more than Bella had).

She looks just like Bella.
Big Sister meets Little Sister. Bella is still adjusting...we have a ways to go...but she's getting there. The first time at the hospital she didn't really want anything to do with her except run up and down the hall with daddy. Later in the day she walked in our room saw her again and walked out like "she's still here". Tonight we were all at home and she'd come over and bring Gabby a blanket and say we're making progress.
Well...we'll post more later...we're pooped!


Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

She's beautiful, guys!!! Congrats!

Bonnie Newell said...

Both girls are beautiful. Can't wait to hug them both. You are great parents and God has truly blessed you with these two precious gifts.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! We are so happy for you guys, she is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Joel and Jen. Wish you were closer so we could see you all more. She is beautiful and I know Bella will soon adjust. Well Joel we will see you in a few days. Take Care - Love, Cassie, James, David and Hailey

The Hodges Family said...

YAHHHHH!!!! we can't wait to meet baby gabby....let us know after a little while when things are a little less crazy...after all your family is gone...we'll bring you dinner and meet the little one! we can't wait!!!! love you guys and thinking of you SO much!! can't wait to meet gabby!! :) AAHHH! love, the hodges

Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!!!