Thursday, April 10, 2008

18 months old

Bella turned 1 1/2 today! She had her 18 month check up and she had grown 2 more inches to be 33 1/2 and gained 2 more pounds to make her 26 lbs. She was still about 95% for height but has dropped into the 75% for weight (I guess all her running around has thinned her out a bit). We met her new pediatrician who was great and really nice. She said Bella looked great and appeared to be growing really well and seemed to have great social skills since Bella wouldn't leave her alone. She did get her last shot until she's 4, so that was exciting for me...and like usual she was a tough girl and didn't cry when they gave it to her.

It was a week of appointments, as I had my 31 week check and now will go every two weeks. Gabby's heartbeat is great and moves around constantly. I had a lot of contractions on Saturday, but they have slowed back down and are irregular again so that's good. The good news is that Dr. Watters has changed his mind about Gabby being a big baby like Bella; however, that probably means he will not induce me - I made get lucky since he's going out of town the end of May and won't be back until June 3rd that I might be able to convince him to induce me before he leaves....that way he can deliver her and Joel can get to Auntie Miriam's wedding on the 31st, but we'll have to get a little closer to see what happens. Of course my mom and dad think I'll go any day since the baby is so low, but Dr. Watters assured me that I have plenty of room for her to get bigger (can hardly wait)!

This past weekend my aunt and cousin were in town from Indiana, so Bella and I went to the park with them while Joel was working (could be why I had so many contractions). She fed the ducks and the pigeons.
Took/Dragged Aunt Phoebe (AKA Aunt FeFe) up and down the stairs for the slides.
Nana caught her below...then she did it all over again.
She also enjoyed drinking out of the water bottle when she got home.
And then relaxed to 101 dalmations in her elephant chair Pappa and Granna brought back from Africa.


Anonymous said...

She looks good in that Ugandan chair. I think she'll be fine living with auntie in Africa during the teenage years!