So Bella started off with a cold last week so she stayed home Monday from school. We are getting ready to move the office this week so I had to try to go in Tuesday, so I dropped her off. When I went to pick her up she had bitten 2 kids and then a third while I was standing there.
Unfortunately her teachers didn't tell her "no" or that it was wrong to bite, they were more upset she was crying from when I told her no and ignored the kid she tried to bite, so that led me to believe they give her attention and let her get away with it. So Wednesday she got kicked out of school for the day for biting. She had biten a little girl all the way up her arm while the teacher was holding the other why didn't the teacher stop Bella after the first bite. I was so frustrated because she doesn't do this anywhere else. Thursday and Friday Uncle Ry-Ry watched her so I could do work; however, Bella decided that on Friday she was going to climb out of her crib. I ran into her room and she was just laying there like I did it. Anyway, I met with the director and we decided to move her to the bigger class, which I had asked for a few weeks ago. So today we tried it and she was so happy when I went to pick her up and she talked all the way home. The teachers are great in there and Bella always had fun in their class during Christmas break, so hopefully this will work. I know they are more strict and will tell her no if she tries it, but here's hoping. We are looking into another school, but we have to interview to get in, so we'll see. Needless to say, by the end of last week I was ready to have a breakdown...well okay I did have one...I also started having a lot of contractions Friday probably just all the stress, but Saturday and Sunday I was okay and they were back to being inconsistent.
Well that was enough rambling. She climbed up last week and wanted to eat at the big table. I think she was telling us she's a big girl now.
She sits on anything and everything
We got out the sidewalk chalk this weekend for the first time.
Mommy found a purple football at Target (and had to buy it of course). Now she throws it to Joel and we get her to say Touchdown.
Bella wants to be so grown up lately. She loves to drink from water bottles even though they get her soaked. Anyway, she was in her chair and I figured I could give her one with just a little water in it to drink. Well, that turned into her dumping it on her head and laughing hysterically at herself.
Monday, April 28, 2008
What a crazy week
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Bella's Pregnant Pictures
Monday, April 14, 2008
Funny Story & my Sweet Baby
Well I guess I must be waddling around more than I know. Today I went to pick Bella up at school and her teachers asked if she had been pretending to be pregnant at home. I was confused and said no. Then they proceeded to tell me that after nap time today Bella took her blanket (the ones she can't live without) and stuffed it under her shirt and was waddling around being pregnant and would hold her "tummy" on the side and on top like I do. I started laughing and then they showed me the 10 pictures they had taken because they said it cracked them up just as much. I'm supposed to get copies but it was hilarious - so hopefully I can get them soon and post them up.
Then Bella is so precious and loving. Tonight after her bath we were putting pjs on and she kept grabbing my arm and hugging it, then that progressed to her grabbing my neck and giving me a big hug. I almost cried because it was so sweet and tender and she just kept squeezing and then reaching for another one. After about 5 she stopped and I got her dressed, but it was precious and I wish I could have bottled that moment up forever.
I didn't really take any pictures this weekend to post (I know that's suprising). Saturday, Tim, Molly and Logan came over for dinner and Logan and Bella got to play. They are so funny...Logan wants to play with toys and Bella just wants to run around and climb on things, so it was hard to get a picture of them next to each other let alone looking the same direction. Sunday, Mommy got spoiled and traded the durango in for a Tahoe...which Bella loves because she can watch movies on the way home from school...thanks Nana and Papa T for Bella & Gabby's new's much better than having her cry all the way home from school because she wants out of her car seat. God Bless technology.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
18 months old
Bella turned 1 1/2 today! She had her 18 month check up and she had grown 2 more inches to be 33 1/2 and gained 2 more pounds to make her 26 lbs. She was still about 95% for height but has dropped into the 75% for weight (I guess all her running around has thinned her out a bit). We met her new pediatrician who was great and really nice. She said Bella looked great and appeared to be growing really well and seemed to have great social skills since Bella wouldn't leave her alone. She did get her last shot until she's 4, so that was exciting for me...and like usual she was a tough girl and didn't cry when they gave it to her.
It was a week of appointments, as I had my 31 week check and now will go every two weeks. Gabby's heartbeat is great and moves around constantly. I had a lot of contractions on Saturday, but they have slowed back down and are irregular again so that's good. The good news is that Dr. Watters has changed his mind about Gabby being a big baby like Bella; however, that probably means he will not induce me - I made get lucky since he's going out of town the end of May and won't be back until June 3rd that I might be able to convince him to induce me before he leaves....that way he can deliver her and Joel can get to Auntie Miriam's wedding on the 31st, but we'll have to get a little closer to see what happens. Of course my mom and dad think I'll go any day since the baby is so low, but Dr. Watters assured me that I have plenty of room for her to get bigger (can hardly wait)!
This past weekend my aunt and cousin were in town from Indiana, so Bella and I went to the park with them while Joel was working (could be why I had so many contractions). She fed the ducks and the pigeons.
Took/Dragged Aunt Phoebe (AKA Aunt FeFe) up and down the stairs for the slides.
Nana caught her below...then she did it all over again.
She also enjoyed drinking out of the water bottle when she got home.
And then relaxed to 101 dalmations in her elephant chair Pappa and Granna brought back from Africa.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Learning so fast
Bubbles are a favorite and she is so cute saying "Bubb..les"
Bella and Zona are great friends! Zona goes into her room in the morning and jumps up to give her a kiss in the crib, and Bella has now returned the favor by snuggling with her on the floor. Last week Pappa and Granna came to visit. Bella had such a blast with then during the day while mommy and daddy were working. She loved all the songs and motions they would sing together. Wednesday was a little rough as Bella got a stomach virus for the day and threw up for the first was so sad to watch and not be able to do anything. Her blue eyes looked so confused and scared. I have to admit that it was nice to stay home and have her snuggle with me all day.