Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Swing, Spaghetti and Stickers

I'm a little late getting these posted, but life has been crazy as usual, but don't worry I'll put lots of pictures of the little princess on here, so everyone can get their Bella fix...there's a video at the end too.

Mom's surgury is still up in the air. The original surgeon didn't put the order in until yesterday to have it done, even though he told her last week it was urgent and needed to be done ASAP. So she's looking for a new surgeon to do this...so we are hoping by the end of the week, but it may not be until next week.

Anyway...Bella continues to light up our lives (unless she's in the middle of a tantrum because we told her "no"). She is "talking" and singing all the time...and now runs as much as possible everywhere she tries to go. We have started to let her walk next to us holding our hand (since she's heavy and I'm growing more and more) and she usually does pretty good until something distracts her like trash on the ground, then she wants to go play with it. She also tries to climb onto everything...couch, chairs, end tables. Luckily everything is still a little too tall for her, but soon she'll be on top of everything.

She has finally started to eat more things besides chicken nuggets and corn. She of course has to have a spoon or fork to hold while she uses her fingers to actually get it in her mouth. We attempted spaghetti again...and this time she loved it...as you can tell by her face!

She looks so grown up waving to the camera. She loves to sit in this box and have daddy push her around the house (and chase Zona)
She thought Cosmo would make a good couch to lean on.
She's snuggling with mommy and Gabby....although Gabby still kicks when Bella leans on my belly.

She has had a cold again (me too)...so she cuddled up while I was making breakfast the other morning.
She still loves to be in her catchers stance. I would think it would hurt to couch down like this all the time, but that's how she plays.
Today we stopped by to see Nana and Uncle Ryan...Bella of course just wanted to play with Gus and chased him up and down the stairs, until Mommy got tired of chasing Bella.
She LOVES stickers. Usually they are all over herself, but today she thought she would put them on me while I was checking my email.

Last but not least...Uncle Ryan makes a great swing. She loved it and of course wanted him to keep going.